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A Wonderful Website For Us All!


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A good friend of mine steered me to a great website and I just thought I would share with everyone on here. It's called "But you don't look sick.com".


I'm sure every single person on these forums has dealt with this along the way and it is so helpful to share this experience with others who understand. One of the hardest things about POTS and many other disorders/diseases out there, is that you don't actually LOOK sick. Which makes people say, "I don't understand what's wrong with you, you look fine to me." So when you flake on your friends once again, or can't clean the house today, or couldn't manage to go shopping and make dinner, or just don't want to socialize with anyone, people can look at you with such judgment sometimes because they don't realize what is really going on inside. And if you are a young person (as so many of us are on here!), then it can be even more difficult to make people understand because somehow our society equates youth with good health.

Hope someone can benefit from this! And hope everyone on here is having a "good day" :)

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WendyC, your welcome :). I had never heard of it and I thought it might be nice to share. There are some personal stories on there I feel we all can relate to, even if our disorders might not be the same. (there is a really great one called The Girl Behind the Smile from someone with Lupus.)

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You both have a good point! I also try to take it as a compliment when people can't tell because sometimes I work so hard to be normal, that if they think I am, I feel successful! ;-) It's also helpful to try & see the silver lining in any situation :). but there are times when I don't even have the energy to act like I'm fine, & at those times people don't always understand & it can make you feel very alone. It's just nice to know that other people are in the same boat & it makes me feel less alone in this :D

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