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(if this has already been posted, my apologies. the memory, she is is not so good these days...)

i was reading recently that acupuncture reduces the activity/overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system (a problem for many of us). i'm intrigued. although i've had acupressure type massage before (shiatsu) i've never had acupuncture. anyone ever tried it? if so, what was the effect?

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I have had acupuncture before for back problems and it helped for that. Could feel lots of changes with using it. Hadn't thought about it for POTS but may call my acupuncturist and see what she will say. I'll let you know what I find out, it is very relaxing to me and no side-effects so it's worth a shot!

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I used to be very symptomatic after an accupuncture treatment, probably because it relaxed me so much that my bp stayed pretty low. However, it helped me tremendously with migraine pain and back pain. The only drawback for me was the expense. It cost 125$ per treatment and I was supposed to go once a week... I just couldn't afford it.


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My insurance covered 12 visits a year so I did a round of this in the fall. Unfortunately this was before my POTS diagnosis so I think we may have been doing a bit of stabbing around in the dark. However, the accupuncturist was the one that kept telling me that I have something with my autonomic system. Turns out he was right.

One of the best things I liked were these little ahesive strips that he would place on my neck (I tend to get swollen glands with my epstein barr). One of the "side effects" I would notice for the first couple of hours ... was that I could STAND. I actually felt pretty good. Not sure why. Though my HMO doctor hypothesized that the "heat" from the strips actually caused more blood flow temporarily to my head.

I also do massage therapy once a week. I think it helps my body to *remember* what goes where and helps it fine tune. Really wished my insurance would cover the massage. Or more of the accupuncture because I really do think that these avenues could be a help.

I'm currently reading a book on Qi. (chi) And thinking I might start a very small Qigong practice. Qi is all about channeling energy and has been used for healing in China for centuries. Here's a quote from the book that I particularly found attractive:

"Qi is free, it is everywhere, and everyone has access to it through simple methods that are easy to learn and practice. Qi can be cultivated purposefully to resolve any challenge or enhance any function."

Free ... I liked that. Here's to cultivating our own Qi .... in whatever form that takes for each of us.

Good thoughts,


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