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Does anyone else have erosion of the enamel of their teeth or receding gums? This is a huge problem for me and I actually had to have a gum graft when I was 12....I will most likely need another one soon. The tips of my teeth are translucent and it continues about 1/2 way up. I am really trying to prevent more damage, but no matter what I seem to do, it progresses. I hardly have any cavities, but I am worried that I will loose my teeth at a young age due to this :(. Not sure if this could in any way be related to my POTS. Maybe I am just a snowball of random oddities :P .


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Do you (or might you?) have a connective tissue disorder? I'm not aware of any association between POTS and dental issues, but I do have an article written by a dentist about POTS patients that mentions EDS as a cause of dental pathology. My gums are receeding as well, and all my teeth are loose.

Has your dentist been able to come up with anything?

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EDS can cause dental problems. I have enamel erosion, but I have cavities almost every time I go to the dentist. I have read that with EDS you can talk to your dentist about having more frequent appointments which can help. I use an electric toothbrush and a high fluoride toothpaste that I got from my dentist. I also had tons of plaque on my teeth, I don't know if you have a problem with this or not, but I figured out it was because I was breathing out of my mouth when I sleep at night. Once I started wearing BreatheRight strips, it cut down on the problem a lot. My sister also has EDS and she has really bad problems with periodontitis. As far as I know, the best thing we can do is keep going to the dentist regularly and pray for the best!

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I have receding gums, go every 4 months for cleaning, have an electric toothbrush, and get fluoride every time I go to the dentist. I had gum planing because of periodontal disease, too!! Haven't lost any teeth, though...except for my wisdom and first molars due to crowding, when I had braces years ago. I am a mouth breather, too, and we lack saliva to cleanse our mouths which contributes to these problems unfortunately :unsure: There is a mouth wash for people with little saliva. I'm going to ask my dentist about it the next time I go...

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Goodness I had not connected the two things up. Sorry you are suffering this.

I have the same - really thin or worn enamel and and had to have an extraction 3 weeks ago as the tooth had become so wobbly. No decay, gums ok, but lack of enamel.

Also get terrible mouth ulcers, sometimes a few together but hardly ever free from them.

I possibly have eds 3 but not been tested yet.

Interesting connection I hadn't picked up on.

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Whats the test for eds. It is suspected but not been tested properly. Seems like this is another thing I need to get sorted.

Thanks for bringing this up Rissy.

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since i haven't been feeling well, my teeth have also become thin, and my gum lines are receding. The thinning of the teeth makes me wonder about some type of calcium vitamin D problem because my hair is also falling out, and my nails are thinning and developing horizontal ridges.

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I do have EDS so maybe that does explain it. I just cant get over how fast it progresses... I just turned 29 and already need my second gum graft :/. The first one was horrible because the anesthesia they used did not work on me, so I felt the whole thing. My mom said she could hear me screaming in the waiting room, and I literally kicked the oral surgeon :P.

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This isn't something I'd ever considered being related to POTS, but now that you mention it, I have the same enamel issues (the tips of my front teeth are translucent and my teeth are really sensitive). Also, I've never had any cavities at all (knock on wood), so my teeth are pretty healthy otherwise.

I don't think I have ongoing gum disease, but I seem to have "flares" where my gums recede and hurt really bad. I also get really bad flares of mouth ulcers like someone mentioned. I used to get those a couple times a month, but thankfully they're much rarer now. I've wondered about having EDS based on other symptoms I have, but I haven't had any tests or dx for it.

P.S. I sometimes feel like a complete "snowball of random oddities" too! I might have to borrow that phrase. :)

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I asked this same question a few years ago on another forum but no one had experienced this. Despite taking very good care of my teeth and gums and seeing a dentist very regularly, I've been fighting bleeding gums for many years. Despite cleaning, flossing and very regular dental visits a few years ago my gums started to receed and are continuing to do so at an alarming rate. When they started to receed I saw a periodontist a few times. He recommended using those little dental brushes for between teeth. I used them for a few years but they have not slowed down the gum recession (and have connected them recently with a neuralgia like pain on the right side of my head. I've stopped using those ltitle brushes and that particluar head pain has not recurred). I'm 56 and have spent a fortune on my teeth trying to keep as many of them as I can. I get decay too. And, I'm a mouth breather. I'm actually becoming resigned to the fact that I will be having false teeth in the foreseeable future. The thought of this upsets me at times as I just hate the thought of false teeth. But I tend to castigate myself for getting upset about this as I'm 56 now, and should be way past the vanity stage. All four of my grandparents had false teeth and 3 of them lived well into their 90s and only one complained about having to live with false teeth. I think the others were just grateful to have them.

Way back when I saw an article about EDS and dental problems but I don't have any other symptoms of EDS and it's never been suggested I have it.

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It could also be caused indirectly by POTs, if you have gastroparisis or GERD, that for some folk can be due to their ANS dysfunction. One thing that is said to help reduce this problem is having the head of your bed raised, it helps keep back flow down.

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