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Beta Blockers Not Working Anymore

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I was wondering if anyone else found their beta blocker to stop working. I went through a list of beta blockers over the past 3 years or so finally finding Propranolol to be the only one to help lower heart rate. Over the past six months or so my heart rate has been jumping up. Now my blood pressure is even lower than normal and the heart rate is all the place. I'm on 120mg a day and have been for awhile. I take it in the am but have no help from it at all. Like I said my b/p is lower and my resting heart rate is running over 100 now in am and pm. But the weird thing is some points in the day my heart rate will go in the 40's then later go back up to the 100's while laying down. I've been complaining to my doctor who finally is listening to me and ordered a holter this past monday. I guess he dosen't belive me and wants tests. Anyone else find a beta blocker to just stop working?

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hi goodnuff!

i had that happen too. when i started bb's they worked very well, for about 2 weeks and then stopped working. i had to raise them (after talking to my cardio of course) which made them work for 2 weeks and then stopped working again. when i was at 300mg a day they didn't stop working anymore but left me way too tired so i came down to 200. right now i don't use them anymore as an ssri combined with octreotide takes care of the heartrate which makes me feel much better!

btw i have the low heartrates too but haven't found out what causes them (not the short dips but the longer lasting lows i mean). hope the holter monitor will help figure out what's going on!

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This also happened to me. I was on metoplerol effectively for 6 months then it stopped working. Not only was it no longer controlling my tachy, it was making me bradycardic. This went on for about 2 months where my hr and bp were all over the place. I ended up stopping the beta blocker and switching to florinef. While I was withdrawing from the beta my hr really started to swing up to 180's. They put me in the hospital for 3 days while I withdrew

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Well went to the Doctors to go over results of moniter. The results wern't in so after not being able to make him understand the propanolol wasn't working he had me put on a finger pulse oximeter and walk around for a litttle bit. I made it walking for about 30 seconds before he made me lay down and sent me to er by ambulance. 5 bags of saline later I was able to go home. Now they want to add 30mg more propranolol later in the day. How do I make the Dr understand this is already dropping my b/p and I'm not willing to take more. It seems after 3 1/2 years with this Dr and know he's afraid to change meds. So frustrated!!

Why is it easier to get pain meds if I wanted them, than it is to get something to help my heart rate. Makes no sense!

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Lemons it seems the only thing the beta blocker is doing for me is dropping my already low b/p. I wanted him to try a diffrent med that might help with the tach but not the b/p. The blocker isn't doing anything for my heart rate. My question to him was why am I on med that isn't help the heart rate and working against the meds I'm taking for my b/p. It dosen't make sense to me. I would like to get my b/p up to at least normal range once in awhile. Maybe I wont be so tired and cold and shakey all the time.

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