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Jersey Girl

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I saw another orthopedist this past Friday after being up all night in such excruciating pain in my right shoulder and arm. I took 4 or 5 percoset and it didn't touch the pain. I have been having problems for at least a year. I received injections of steroids last June and September and have had some massage therpay as well. The pain and loss of function escalated over the past 2 weeks so I had made an appointment for a second opinion. It turned into an acute visit and I got another injection and appointment for surgery on Wednesday. My arm is "glued" to my side and any movement just kills me even after the injection. I don't know if this is related to the POTS or not but I have no choice but to have the calcification removed and the impingement seen on MRI taken care of. I am a litle worried about the anaesthesia and hope to get the same one I had for the D & C. I want my arm back! Martha

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Guest tearose

Ouch Martha, I hurt for you! Where is the impingement? Elbow?

It must be a challenge to get through the day right now. I wish you an easy surgery and a good recovery!

Best of everything, tearose

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Martha, I have had a frozen shoulder several times and know how painful that can be but your situation sounds worse and I am so sorry for your pain. Do you have a date yet for your surgery? Hopefully, knowing you will have relief from this horrible pain will offset the concerns about the surgery itself. Beat of luck to you. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

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Guest Julia59


Good luck on your surgery----I hope you have success, and you will soon have your shoulder back. My brother suffers great pain also in his shoulder, and it has put him in quite a position on his job as he is a welder by trade.

It is very difficult to do much of anything with a frozen shoulder---I can only imagine. My thoughts and prayers with be with you during your surgery.

Julie :0)

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I had surgery this past wednesday and did well except that the anaesthesia and pain killers afterwards made me extremely nauseous (and I vomited after getting out and home). I don't have any more pain now than I did before surgery and see the doc for postop on Tuesday and then PT eval for my shoulder that same afternoon. But I am incredibly dizzy because I am getting my period after skipping it for a month! I am so sensitive! Everytime I get out of a chair my head is spinning. I wish there was surgery for POTS--I can't stand it. Martha

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