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Octreotide For Exercise Tolerance? Anyone Tried?


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On the "What Helps" section of this site, Octreotide is listed under Vasoconstrictors. Has anyone tried this medication? Did it help you? Did it help with Exercise Intolerance? Section copied below.


Octreotide is especially useful in preventing vasodilation in the gut, thereby reducing splanchnic pooling. Its actions help to prevent postprandial hypotension (low blood pressure after meals). Octreotide inhibits the release of a variety of gastrointestinal peptides and also may reduce postural and exercise induced hypotension (Mathias, 2003). Octreotide does not often appear to enhance supine nocturnal hypertension, however one study reports that it is a possible side effect (Hoeldtke, Bryner, Hoeldtke & Hobbs, 2007).

Octreotide is administered by subcutaneous injection starting at 50 µg 2-3 times a day, and dosages may be titrated up to 100-200 µg three times a day (Grubb, Kanjwal & Kosinski, 2006). A long-acting injectable form has also been developed.

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jules, i've been on octreotide for over a year now. i started off with the subcutaneous version (20mg 3 to 4 times daily) and noticed it worked within two minutes. my vision imroved, pooling got much better and overall i got much better. after about 6 weeks i changed to the LAR, which is less "sharp" in its effects but better as it works 24/7. the subcutaneous stopped working in about 4 hours.

once on the LAR(20mg every 3 weeks) i started rehab and learned that i now could recuperate where i couldn't before. i learned walking again, biking and swimming. i got tired from exercizing but my body could rest and be ready for more, this is something that wasn't possible earlier on. so for me octreotide is the best med i've been on so far. i do need an ssri with it to keep my hr down, but these two together work best for me. i'm not magically cured and still have issues but i got my life back. not the life i had but a life i'm very happy to live and which gives me much more opportunities than i had before (i was in an electric wheelchair and mostly home (and very often bed) bound.

i now am able to go walking, i swim every week at rehab and try to do some biking. and i love my life!

hope this helps,


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I'm getting it delivered TOMORROW! I'm not looking forward to the GI side effects (really bad cramps and diarrhea), especially when it's first started. My cardiologist prescribed 200mcg twice a day. I'm probably going to start at 50mcg just until I can get over the initial side effects.

I do have a continuous level of symptoms (fatigue, nausea, abd pain, headache, flushing, etc), but they are definitely worsened with meals. I'm hoping the octreotide will help.

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octreotide works well for me. side effects were of benefit--stopped chronic diahhrea. cramping goes away. If you have problem with constipation, I don't know about octreotide. Its alternative usage is to help stop intractable diahhrea -- oncologists sometimes refer to it as cement. Also, it is known to cause gall bladder sludge or stones. I had to have my gall bladder removed as a result. However, octreotide did give me the ability to stand and maintain my blood pressure.

I use octreotide during bad spells.

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Did any of your insurance companies give you problems with this medication? My old doc said that it's really expensive and insurance might not cover it since it's an off-label use. I am going to see Dr. Arden in Oregon, who is a cardiologist, so it will be interesting to find out her thoughts on this medication.

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