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blood pressure rising dramatically on standing


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Anyone got any ideas? I stood up and my blood pressure SHOT UP. My pulse wasn't too bad though--66 to 108 which is VERY mild for me. Is it possible that the BP change more than the pulse can cause symptoms? I still don't have my autonomic testing results so I still am not on ANY treatment atall.....

I've had a virus these past two weeks and it seems to be making things much worse, as you'll see from my other post about being back at university!

I thught normally people with POTS had a BP drop that caused problems. Are there many peole out there who have arise like i do? Is it possible that a sharp rise in bp can make you gfeel rough and lightheaded like a drop does? Anyone with any info atall, I'd really appreciate hearing from you

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Guest Mary from OH

That's about the same results as my TTT showed and I was dx with POTS. My cardio said it's classic POTS (just a variant). I was prescribed Midodrine. I haven't started taking it yet because they are STILL ruling out adrenal gland tumors. That med is contraindicated if you have them.

Hope that helps.

It does make you feel lousy!! (I know that doesn't help!!) But, it shocked me to know that I had ANY periods of HIGH BP!!! Mine is always around 90/60 and my pulse is always racing around 120+. He explained that the HBP is why my pulse is so high and why it fluctuates between high and low. Didn't make much sense to me.

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Mary, are you still awaiting test results? I just read some old posts and saw that you were waiting for results in early December! They should have them by now ... doncha think? Maybe the doctor's office didn't call b/c the results were negative? Check!!! It seems a shame to hold off treatment for other symptoms... Also, are you taking a beta blocker? Just curious,


PS to Persephone--I don't have a blood pressure cuff so I'd never know if my bp shot up like yours or not. Like Mary, I don't think I'd feel it ... Sorry!

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Persephone, I had the same problems for the first 9 months I had POTS without a diagnosis. My pressure would shoot up to 200/110 and I was so scared. I went to the emergency room twice because i had no idea what was happening to me. I had multiple tests for adrenal gland ttumors that were all negative. My BP eventually started droppping and after 15 months it was 88/50--go figure. I was put on a calcium channel blocker after the first 2 months that helped stabilize it a little but became reactive to that medication as my BP started to drop. I'm not sure if we have the hyperadrenergic form of POTS or not. Maybe someone else on this forum is more of an expert than I am on this matter. You should definitely watch your salt intake during these spikes in pressure. I was extra sensitive then. Now I need more salt to increase my blood volume. I think I need my thermostat fixed! It seemed that the only help for me was the passage of time on this issue. I still have frequent shifts in BP and really feel it when it drops low. Take care, Martha

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Guest Mary from OH


My first 24hr urine was negative. But then I went to an endocrinologist. He did some additional testing and also said that my 24hr urine was collected improperly.

He wants me to do another 24hr urine the day after I have fainted or feel extremely dizzy. The problem has been that it has occured: when I've been out of town, on the weekends, when I'm unble to collect because of lack of refridgeration. So...... I think I'm going to call again. Plus, I don't understand how he can just pick ONE symptom (dizziness) and collect after that. I want the blood test!!!


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Not all POTS patients have low blood pressure on standing. When my POTS was at its worst, I had high bp that went even higher when I stood, along with the fast heartrate. It is not harmful in the short-run, but if your high blood pressure continues, it should be controlled in some way. Ironically, increasing salt and fluid helped REDUCE my bp. It's very confusing.

Hope you start feeling better soon.


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