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So So Bloated!!


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I am literally constantly bloated. When I don't eat it stops but obviously I can't stop eating. Are there any medications that you guys find helpful for this? I don't think its from what I eat because it happens with every food- even the BRAT diet. I guess it's just from blood pooling in my tummy...?

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OMG this is one of the worst things i get , that I absolutely hate! I look like im pregnant from how bad I bloat. I have tried diff. things too and it doesn't help. In the morning I will have no bloating but once I eat I am bloated. And it's not a little bit like most ppl get after, its a lot. LIke my entire stomach is decended after. ughh I hate being bloated all them time. ! I hope it gets better for you. One thing I noticed is the only thing that helps me is to not eat a big meal in one sitting. Eat small meals thoruout the day and it helped.

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This is going to be way TMI, but mine is air/gas related. I've figured out, after ten years of this, that sometimes my intestines just don't move. The gas that is created from food gets to the point that it builds up and doesn't move. As it builds up, apparently it pushes up on my diaphragm and makes it harder to breathe. I have had times where I can go days and not pass gas. When you consider that the average person makes a couple of liters of gas a day, you can see where my abdomen keeps distending. During the periods where I can pass gas as needed, I feel fine and not bloated. I have pants in a couple of sizes so I can wear what's needed for the day!

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ugh same here . I am skinny as can be but then my belly is usually always distended.. uncomfortable to say the least.. cant pass gas or anything else for that matter.. its crazy how things that seem completely unrelated are all part of all this madness:)

Edited by corina
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I would get tested for both gastroparesis and celiac, which are very common for people with POTS. A lot of people benefit from going lactose and/or gluten free. Probiotics can help too.

I have neither, but I am also bloated, constantly passing gas. I also get stopped up esp when i eat a lot of beans/fiber/etc, exactly like sue describes, except that I do pass gas even more than normal. If that happens, I eat very bland foods like jello, bread, noodles, rice and chicken soup for a few days until I am back to normal. I am having this now and it is no fun!

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