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What Can You Eat?


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Strangely mushrooms make me feel terrible for some reason. Really annoying because where I live we get some great wild mushrooms :(

I used to have trouble with pizza - im not sure why - either carbs or nitrites in the meat? Im not really sure.

the other strange trigger I have is aftershave - if I put it on my throat I get instand POTS. Even now when im feeling pretty well.

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I have been tested positive for milk, soy, eggs, wheat, rice, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, fish, kidney beans, chocolate, almonds and tomato. I have reactions to many other foods that have not yet been tested. It is a living ****. I take oral food drops for 11 foods which helps to reduce the reactions but I still get hives. I would literally kiss the feet of someone who could tell me WHY I am so sensitive.

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After a number of years Ive found the food sensitivities to decrease for me - they were worst when I first developed POTs and Ankyosing Spond.

Two bizarre observations:

1. If I drink a glass of wine I can tolerate any of the foods that cause be a reaction otherwise - work that out...

2. the same triggers that can trigger POTS in me can also sometimes trigger an AS flareup.

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I can only eat about five or six foods and even they make me feel bad and give me tachycardia. I used to be able to eat absolutely anything. Songcanary you sound like me - I had fibro diagnosed before I got POTS etc.

Sallysblooms - what worked for you to make you less reactive?

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Tomatoes now set me off. Never did until I started drinking large quantities of tomato juice to boost my salt intake.

I also seem to be sensitive to gluten products although that waxes and wanes. More recently I am having trouble with nutmeg and other spices (giving me breathing issues).

Songcanary - what food drops do you take? Are they homeopathic?

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I can not eat anything with Cilantro/Corriander or it gives me instant migraine and POTS flare. I also recently started having the same problem eating peppers - Bell, Cubanelle, and Poblano (I've never been into the hot ones). I suspect there may be other things that set me off but I haven't been able to weed out what it is.

The flip side is I crave certain things (some weird things) that actually make my symptoms better when I am craving them - cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar, apples, bananas, brussel sprouts (in obscene quantities), and garlic.

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I don't eat gluten or dairy and it seems to help. But I want to cut down on as many artificial things as I can. I just think that as sensitive as our systems are it is probably best not to put artificial chemicals in our systems. (Just my own theory). But I am so confused about sugar until I am not sure what to do. Any advise?

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Sallysblooms - what worked for you to make you less reactive?

Newbie, I used to feel awful when I ate meals. Bloated, nausea deluxe.... Just getting better with the POTS has helped. My doctors are working to heal the nerves (supplements) since they control the blood vessels, muscles etc. So my stomach, intestine, heart are all so much better. I used to be SO horribly nauseated every day. I am so thankful that is very rare now. I eat and the food goes down fine now. I am so thankful.

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I have celiac disease, so I can't eat anything with wheat, barley, or rye. Sad face. I miss cake. On the up side of things, gluten-free diets have become "trendy", so it is a lot easier to find gluten free products. But processed food in general are not best for you, so I try to stick to whole foods, fruits, veggies, and meats. I also eat exclusively organic and local. (Or at least as much local produce as I can. But sometimes a girl just has to have guacamole, and avacados just don't grow around here!)


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I take drops that my allergist custom mixes. He is a wonderful young guy who practices in a holistic fashion, although he is an MD. He has patients who drive from many hours away just to get tested! I feel so lucky he is nearby.

I would be living on bananas and potatoes if it weren't for these drops. :wacko: I take them first thing in the morning every day. I just hope someday I won't need to do this anymore, but for now it's all I've got!

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