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Adrenaline Surge


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What causes adrenaline surges and what do they feel like?

Sometimes right before I feel like I'm going to pass out, I feel this feeling throughout my whole body but mostly in my chest that feels like it feels when you get scared, is that an adrenaline surge? Kind of like "heart dropping"

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I used to get a feeling of a heavy anchor pulling down at my chest and this happened in front of my doctor who took my pulse at that precise moment and said my heart was too fast. I didn't even realise it was my heart, just knew something was very wrong. But this was at the very beginning of my illness. I don't seem to get this as much anymore.

My adrenaline surges are different to that heavy anchor feeling. Adrenaline surges for me happen at night and they go on all night. My heart will be beating very fast while I'm lying down. I'll be sweaty and shakey and 'wired'. I won't be able to sleep and every time I am about to drop off I'll be woken by my heart doing a sort of "thump". Very hard to explain. Haven't had one of these for a while but they are awful.

Sorry you have that heavy pulling feeling in your chest. It's just an awful feeling.

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I get that heavy anchor feeling in my chest sometimes in the morning when I am awake in bed but haven't gotten up yet. Fortunately this hasn't happened in a while.

I also get something that seems like an adrenaline surge. It's in the morning after I am up for an hour or two. It is a shaky, jittery feeling. It feels terrible, lasts through the morning and then goes away in the afternoon.

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lotusflower- I get that too where they are so bad at night and just as you said, right when I begin to nod off it zaps me awake. I just have to ride it out. I also get very hot to the touch ,shaky, cold sweats and all over anxious feeling, but not true anxiety. However, I have had them so bad before i did feel like a panic attack but it came out of nowhere. I have adrenaline in the mornings too where I feel shaky and I cant do anything that will startle me. I usually settle down by the afternoon and then it starts back in right when I lay down for bed. I think I notice it because I have been running off adrenaline all day, and push myself way too much trying to keep up with my daughter, so at night my body just gives out. Weird thing is, I feel the most awake at night, just with not so fun adrenaline surges.

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Dani, I really get what you're saying about running off adrenaline during the day causing the night surges. I also tend to get these at night after I've done too much during the day or at night. I once tried to stay up until midnight because we had friends over and was so exhausted that when I came to bed I had an adrenaline surge and was wired all night.

Have you tried ice on the soles of your feet? For some reason it actually helps me when I am having these surges. I usually try to sleep with ice on my feet all night long. I also put a small square pillow under my thoracic area right beneath my heart and lungs and sleep with my chest raised and my head on a pillow. This seems to help with the really uncomfortable thumping fast heart feeling. Sometimes hawthorn extract helps me too. Don't know why. I know this is a traditional herb used for heart health and a good heart tonic.

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Not sure why, but I have found that tylenol helps calm them a bit if I take it BEFORE one starts (so basically, if I know I've over done it during the day, I will take tylenol at bedtime and it seems to help prevent them from getting severe). If the adrenaline rush/surges get severe, than the only thing is xanax and klonopin for a day or two until things calm down. Hope you find something that helps ease the severity of them. I struggled with 24/7 adreanline rushes for the first 3 years of this illness, and none of my doctors suggested trying an anti-anxiety med. THEN when a doctor finally did, and I gave it a try, I was so mad that I hadn't known there was actually something that could help and all the suffering I went through for 3 flipping years could have been somewhat prevented. Ugh!

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This happens to me also. I go to bed and get jolted awake time after time after time. Also sometimes am really short of breath and wake up panting or gasping for breath with my heart pounding ib my ears. Been taking zopiclone last few nights after having been awakened 20+ times two nights in a row. Without sleep I find myself feeling much worse in the day obviously which in turn ruins the next night.

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