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Whichever symptom I'm having at the time you ask me that.

Seriously, once I tried to identify my worst symptom when I was actually going through it and I was like...."Gosh, this dizziness is the worst. If only I could be spared dizziness I could deal with the rest"......until the next day when I was having relentless LUQ abd pain so bad that it made me nauseated. Then I'm like....."If I could just get rid of this pain I'd feel somewhat normal"....Ahhh, chronic illness!


Hmmm choices..choices.

I'd probably go with the fatigue. But I realize that most the time I'm mentally exhausted from trying to mentally push through the dizziness. Then there are the days that I could totally give up the muscle cramps/twitching/pain.



I am also undecided between two symptoms, either the "temperature problems" (heat intolerance, fevers, overheating) or the "chemical sensitivy" (intolerance to all stimulants, depressant, opiates and any other drugs that act on my autonomic system).


I didn't answer my own question. For me it's the constant weird feeling in my head. Interesting that fatigue is mentioned most and tachycardia (the hallmark of POTS) doesn't come up much. Even in my "what are your worst top 5" question - tachycardia rated pretty low compared to dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms.



Reading your post really put words to how I feel sometimes. I get that group setting feeling too, where I start to feel sick from the trying to concentrate through the noise and such. Sometimes I just can't do restaurants or family/friend get togethers. And when my mom starts snapping pictures watch out, I have to go into a room by myself.




I actually skip a lot of events/functions because it can just be so uncomfortable especially in the summer. When it gets real bad, I have trouble focusing through ten minutes of small group work in class or drowning out my co-workers in the next office space. The sudden switch to moderate temperatures has really helped me for short term situations though. I also move up the dosage on my midodrine when it gets tough because the doc allows me to increase as needed. Fingers are crossed that I make it through my sister's semi-baby shower tomorrow :-)


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