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Choking On Thin Air - Why?

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I have been choking on drinks and usually for no reason on and off for a while now but have not really taken much notice. I was engrossed in my programme tonight when I started choking and I was gasping inwards but could not breathe out, I had tears streaming down my face and knew I was bright red..I had to get my 8 year old to hit me on the back (which was extremely hard as he is autistic and didn't really understand why I was hitting myself on the back until I grabbed his hand!) As soon as I got a breathe I had to get to the bathroom and I vomited - it had specks of blood in it. I coughed lots more then vomited again and it had a large bright red clump of blood in it.

Do apologise for too much info!

I have also noticed that when I lay down I get the feeling that some food is stuck and is moving slowly behind my breastbone - even though I havent eaten. I also have been getting the sensation of a bug being stuck in the left side of my throat.

Havent really thought much of all this until tonight but would be great if anyone could offer their thoughts :)

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Have you had an esophageal monomitry? Could be esophageal spasms, I get those feeling often, also the feeling like food is moving back up to my throat.......when I haven't eaten in hours. I even get these spasms in my stomach. Just one more thing to check out, I hope you find some answers.

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My plummy spec. says you should never bring up blood. If you do try to put it in a container and go to the doctor asap. The only times I really have were after the breathing tests. First for the cardio/plummy Blaird 111 level stress test and then years later another breathing test. They always want to know the amount of blood... like a tsp? So try to remember these things. I used to choke all the time before getting hydrated, I still have to drink, drink, drink or I'll be dry, dry, dry... If you are thirsty, your body is telling you too late that it is dehydrated so drink. Is your mouth dry? Eyes dry? They are always looking for sojourn's syndrome. When in doubt , check it out. Bless your dear child for helping you out.


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There is an article on the EDNF site about swallowing difficulties being common in EDS, and when I attended a talk given by Dr. Afrin he said that MCAS patients often have trouble swallowing.

I often choke on things (even water) and have trouble swallowing things like vitamins, etc.

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I get choking fits galore, on nothing, on drinks and eating, if I overdo it and feel exhausted, stressed, you name it. I can have LOADS of choking/coughing fits a day. I often heave, have tears run down my face, and vomit. Lots of times my vocal cords have closed up and I can barely breathe. You may not have the same thing so worth getting it checked out but I have vocal cord dysfunction. There is a nerve under the vocal cords which can get irritated (which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system) and make the vocal cords spasm causing the choking/coughing/can't breathe thing. Mine is even worse because of having a dry mouth/throat from Sjogren's Syndrome.

When it happens, naturally you panic but it's the worst thing you can do. If you can relax and try and relax your throat it helps a lot.

The blood may have been a burst blood vessel from coughing so hard.

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My energy levels got a bit better. My so called IBS symptoms went and the constantly cracked corners of mouth went.

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Hi all,

I rang out of hours GP and they said that because the blood was bright red then it must have been from broken blood vessels from choking, coughing and being sick as there are no signs of infection or temperature.

They said if it happened again with blood to see GP if still worried.

My throat/tonsils looks horrendously dark reddy purple today - like raw steak almost and very very painful so maybe they are right and it is broken vessels that caused the blood.

Tanzanite that is exactly what happens to me but I do not get them as regular as you. I may get this 10 times a month (rough guess!) but with gagging and tears streaming down a bright red face!

When I am choking it is like I breathe in kinda continuously making an awful noise but cannot breathe out - if that makes sense and my throat feels closed.

On a funnier note about last night after I was trying to get my autistic child to hit me on the back, he did and then he tried to do the heimlich manoeuvre which of course didn't help lol! So as you say Bellamia, bless him!

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Yes, that awful noise is called stridor. It sounds very much like what I get. Look up vocal cord dysfunction.

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Hi Tanzanite,

have read up on that and it sounds rather familiar...have never had it whilst asleep but have woken up with a huge gasp for air but not choking. Get the sharp pain in throat, that leads to coughing or choking and some other bits I have read.

Thing is, is if it was this, then surely it would be happening more like you have?

I have noticed that I have now got broken blood vessels round my mouth and nose and one under my eye. I have never got this before but then this was the worse choking fit I have had. Is this usual??

Should I tell the specialist when I see them and could this choking have anything to do with thoracic outlet syndrome a it has all started approx the same time.

Please, not something else lol!!! :blink:

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The broken blood vessels are likely to be from the force of coughing/choking.

I guess everyone is different, there are times I can go without one for days, then some days I'm having them every few minutes. Probably worth bringing it up with your specialist because there is some kind of treatment, such as being taught breathing techniques from a speech therapist to help relax the vocal cords especially when they start to spasm and close up when you're choking. Not sure if it would be connected to the thoracic outlet syndrome. I have heard this VCD can be connected to autonomic nervous system problems. Be warned though, it happens more in people with anxiety problems so you may get fobbed off with that diagnosis! Don't let them do that!

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  • 5 months later...

Add me to the list of vocal cord disfunction (diagnosed yesterday by pulmonology loop functions studies). I also have EDS which is double whammie. Constant nasal drip and GERD not controlled well on meds/diet are factors that will be constant irritant. I've just been living with this since spring of 2007, so I don't think it's anxiety induced (it's everyday). My neuro exam in Apr. 2011 I told I had difficulty swallowing but it was dismissed or overlooked. I'd mentioned difficulty swallowing/sometimes (especially in bed) when I have to sit full up and repeatedly try to swallow as it feels like I'm choking. I had attributed the loss of control over the projection of my voice or the pitch or tone as consequences of repeated sinus surgeries. Just what I want--another specialist added to the list--even further away from the specialist I saw yesterday--3 of them about 2 hours away if good traffic and no bad roads/accidents. Another 2 a little over an hour away. If I have to have speech therapy and I imagine I will, that will be another hour ride to as there is nobody close to where I live.

Oh, and I called my pulmonologist (almost hour's drive) with this added dx and asked if he treats this. I was told 'no' (but I have asthma/COPD and if in some kind of respiratory crisis that could be from this I would want to be where a pulmonologist knew me--closer than 2 hour ride to University pulm./allergist/immunologist hospital). I hope my PCP can make transfer arrangements if something arises but I don't know how they'd do that if I ended up on ventilator out here in boonies.

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