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Blue Feet?

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My dr. Asked me if my feet or toes ever turned blue when I first met with him, of course that was right after the winter and I always had socks on so I didn't know. The next appointment I told him I realized my toes turn blue, and it actually happened when I was there, and I felt like he brushed it off and ignored it altogether.

Now I keep realizing my whole feet and the end of my leg where they connect turn blue. Along with this they get tingly, but not always my feet, sometimes my calves are tingly instead. And this can happen in different positions, sitting with my feet down, sitting with my knees bent and my feet on the sofa, and a few others that are hard to describe. My feet looked so blue the first time I realized, they looked the color I would imagine a dead person would be. It was creepy!!

I also feel like if I stand for too long, like after taking a shower and getting dressed, my knees and end of my thighs turn purpley/bluish.

Do any of you have this?

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The blood pooling does it and also not enough circulation. Putting your legs up in a recliner as often as possible is good. Also calve raises and a calf flexing is good. I also rub my feet in the bathtub every night.

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Yep it happens to me too. If I stand still for more than a minute I can watch my feet turn blue and swell. I took pictures of my feet like another dinet member did and my feet were even bluer I got super dizzy and almost passed out - I had to hold on to something.


My doctor explained that it is because our blood pressure doesn't adjust like other peoples when we stand so the blood pools in our feet. I can't stand still or I will pass out - I've been like that pretty much my whole life. It was pretty bad in college when I had a cashier's job. I passed out in the middle of a Christmas rush!

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Most of the time, it is not the bp. That is up or down and it still happens. It is the nerves that signal the muscles/vessels to contract and help the blood get up dispite gravity. That is why I work on the nerves and muscle. Autonomic nervous system is not functioning correctly, Dysautonomia.

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Yup, mine do too. Hand, feet...lips if I'm cold. From what I understand it's common in POTS and pretty much harmless. Looks awful, though.

It did help convince my mother that I wasn't making it all up, so I guess I don't mind it completely.

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