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One of the other threads has an article on panic attacks and in that article it makes me question something.

It says that if a person has too high aldosterone they are deficient in potassium and this makes the body too alkaline and causes hyperventilation type symptoms. I'm always too alkaline. (One good thing about this, most people who are alkaline won't get cancer.) But how many people are alkaline vs. acidic? Is this just an issue with hyperadrenic POTS - the surges? Do those with OI have these type surges and are they acidic or alkaline? Is there a connection in regard to the ph of the body? Are all hyper POTS people overly alkaline? Are OI people overly acid?


I have been using urine strips off/on for a few months. My first-morning urine is ALWAYS acidic and I'm hyperPOTS.

Now blood-wise, I don't know what it is. I do know, like you, that being alkaline or acidic does have to do with increased/decreased CO2, as that is how our body buffers with bicarbonate, or something like that.

Okay, applying what you said to ME, I am the opposite:

1. I am acidic

2. I have low aldosterone

3. Tend to have high potassium

4. I seem to hypoventilate

If you can figure it all out even deeper, keep digging!


Have you checked your ph when you hyperventilate? Maybe it's something that might go out of balance periodically? Don't know - just something to explore. When we have levels checked, like potassium - what did we eat before hand? So many possible variables. My blood aldosterone levels were low too - but I was also having allot of salt when I had that last checked. Wonder since I'm doing a normal amount of salt now, if that would have changed? Bear with me, just thinking out loud. Don't know - just raised a question for me.


The only time I hypERventilate is when something panics me(usually minor things that don't bother others). Otherwise, I seem to breathe slower than normal.

I have to admit I don't drink Gatorade, etc., as they seem to make me tired or spacey, and have for years. I always wondered if the extra potassium was affecting me, even though it wasn't much in it.

I've also been wondering about cortisol and adrenal function, but not your typical adrenal issues. I guess I need to begin a poll/topic on that and see if many have had that checked.


The type of hyperventilating I'm talking about is not from a scare - it comes from out of the blue and for no reason. I know one doc is using a drug that increases potassium to see if that is beneficial - Lorsartan (I think is the name) - but it can have some really nasty side effects. I'm wondering if just upping potassium for those of us with these hyperventilation type issues would help to correct this. And if we're too alkaline, maybe it would help balance the ph too.


I've also been wondering about cortisol and adrenal function, but not your typical adrenal issues. I guess I need to begin a poll/topic on that and see if many have had that checked.

Had that all checked out. Had to do cortisol 2 times in my life - but it didn't help - I think it made it worse. Dana is on cortisol and has adrenal dysfunction. Maybe she can give you some info on how she feels it helps. There are definite adrenal issues involved.


I've always been alkaline-I think that's why I had all boys-there is supposed to be a correlation with that.

alkaline =boys...acid =girls. I used speical measures to get my one girl.

My potassium has always been normal when it was tested and my serum cortisol was normal.


I am unfortunately acidic :( . I have constant acid reflux (although the H2 blockers do help with this) :)

I am wondering if that article meant hypOventilation, not hypERventilation? It's true that elevated aldosterone will cause a decrease in potassium (b/c it holds on to sodium and excretes potassium), but if anything it would cause hypOventilation to raise the potassium.

In general metabolic acidosis will cause one to hyperventilate (as seen in diabetic ketoacidosis), and metabolic alkalosis will cause one to hypoventilate. Hyperventilation causes hypocapnia (decreased levels of CO2 in your blood since you are exhaling it). Hypocapnia causes alkalosis. Hypocapnia (hyperventilation) also causes hypokalemia (low potassium) because hydrogen moves out of your cells to try to rectify the acid base balance, and potassium moves into your cells meaning lower potassium in your blood (hydrogen and potassium are both cations--when one moves in, the other moves out). That's why they sometimes treat ventilator patients with hyperkalemia (high potassium) with hyperventilation.



Are you acidic with ph test paper? I'm not sure if acid refulx is the same as what the ph would be? (Just guessing, but having too much acid in your stomach - might not mean your body ph is acid too.) Too tired to look that up tonight.

I think that I hyperventalate when I do the fast rapid breathing (the spells, that come from nowhere), but I think it's because of hypoventalating earlier. I read up on both of those. I breathe way to slow and sometimes hold my breath and don't realize I'm doing it - that is hypoventalating. Then, I have to hyperventalate to get the CO2 out - I guess.

I know that there are foods related to the ph of your body and you can adjust what you eat to increase or decrease either acid or alkalinity. But, I think we must vary this too with our breathing. I'm reading a book right now on food combining and the importance of what to eat with what for proper digestion. I talked to someone who did it and had been on Pepcid for over 12 years because of reflux - he said he no longer has reflux and feels great. Hoping that this will make some differences. It won't be easy - but it's worth a try.

Got to go for tonight - Mayo Clinic tomorrow. Here's hoping!


I was only ever tested as acidic once, all the other times I was at the low end of normal. I would definitely like to try more natural things to help with the acid!! What kinds of foods do they say to eat or avoid? I know that I cant eat spicy foods anymore at all :( ...used to really love them.

I definitely hypoventilate too. Apparently I always have! My mom said when I was a newborn and about to go home I just stopped breathing. She said she went running down the hall with me and they had to suction and stimulate me to breathe! I also had several times as a kid when I stopped breathing and she had to call 911. Now I have central sleep apnea which is pretty much the same thing. But, like you, I also have times when I hyperventilate because I feel like I cannot catch my breath or get enough oxygen. Not sure what thats all about :unsure: Kinda scary.

I hope your appointment tomorrow goes well!!!!!! <3 :D


OK, I hope I get this right....here goes:

when your body is in metabolic acidosis, your body's compensatory response may be to hyperventilate to blow off more CO2. This will bring that acid/base reaction back into balance. Yes, this would have to do with our body's use of carbonic anhydrase.


So, newPOTSmom, does that mean with my combo above that I am most likely spending my time in metabolic alkalosis?


I'll answer, since I'm here. When you are over acidic - your body tries to make you get back more in the alkaline state - it causes the hyperventalation to try to help rectify it. No, it doesn't mean that you achieve it - it just lowers the acidic environment somewhat - to a little more alkaline when you hyperventalate. Hyperventalation is one of the signs to look for due to over acid - also sighing is a sign.

I think in my case, I hypoventalate - don't breathe enough and build up carbon monioxide and then hyperventalate to expel it. I'm in a too alkaline state most of the time - unless I eat foods that cause more of an acidic environment. Foods play a big part in what your ph levels are. The book Prescriptions for Healing has a lot of info on what foods to eat for each ph and what being too high or low in either direction can mean for the body.


Over many years, prePOTS, I'd get on a stricter-health kick, and eat very healthy. I would end up bringing back comfort foods, but still generally healthier foods than the diet of the general public. I always told my husband that I felt better the "junkier" I eat. When I try and eat strictly healthy, I don't feel as good. I am assuming that maybe eating junkier makes me more acidic. Maybe I am too alkaline, and need some acidifying? If it wouldn't make me gain weight, I could bring on the junk food! :P


So, newPOTSmom, does that mean with my combo above that I am most likely spending my time in metabolic alkalosis?

I'm definitely not qualified to answer that question...sorry. Alkalosis is when your blood pH is too high and your body will kick in all sorts of compensatory responses to try to correct it ~ our bodies continually strive for homeostasis ~ that wonderful balance that keeps us healthy.


Over many years, prePOTS, I'd get on a stricter-health kick, and eat very healthy. I would end up bringing back comfort foods, but still generally healthier foods than the diet of the general public. I always told my husband that I felt better the "junkier" I eat. When I try and eat strictly healthy, I don't feel as good. I am assuming that maybe eating junkier makes me more acidic. Maybe I am too alkaline, and need some acidifying? If it wouldn't make me gain weight, I could bring on the junk food! :P

I think you'd be better suited to just include some healthier foods that would make you acidic and not compound your health issues with junk food and create another problem in your life. We don't need to hear that you are now a diabetic because of the pop and junk that you're eating. Maybe figure out if most of the foods you're eating are acidiac and make adjustments. I need to figure this out too - only in the opposite direction. But, I really think that once I start this food combining thing - it will rectify itself. There probably won't be an issue.


I'm also low aldosterone, but potassium seems to check okay. I know they are doing testing with potassium. Still wondering if it wouldn't solve some of our issues.

  • 13 years later...

Hey! I’m pretty late to this conversation (!) but just wondered if anyone figured this out in the end? 

I do urine tests strips daily due to recurrent UTIs and ended up trialling them twice daily for a month because I noticed some discrepancies. After doing that I can confidently say my urine pH is always acidic (can be as much as a 5) on my first pee after waking, then 4-6hrs later it’s always neutral to alkaline (usually alkaline).

I also notice that leukocytes will usually only show up on the later test but I don’t know why or if that’s linked.

Other weird thing is after a few days of using very clean electrolytes, it builds to major reactions even with the slightest of doses. Wondering if this could be linked to potassium given I salt load and supplement with magnesium without issue?

Anyway just wanted to see, 14yrs later, if there might be answers!!

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