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Made A Major Life Decision About Work

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I quit my job the other day after months of increasing pressure. I was completing all of my work competently, but because I wasn't working the full hours that they wanted me to, my employer insisted on meetings to discuss this and my health issues. By the end I was filled with trepidation at the thought of coming to work. I couldn't stand the physical environment either as the temperature was too variable and the building had a constantly bad odour from the business nearby. By the time I quit, just getting from my car and across the busy intersection was a major accomplishment.

So I guess I am looking for some reassurance from any of you who have been there, done that, and am hoping you might have some good news stories you can share that you eventually succeeded in returning to the workforce. What did you do initially after quitting? Did you take time off or look for work immediately? Did your health improve at all after quitting?

I am struggling to come to terms with my decision. It is so hard when you have struggled with a job because of POTS but managed to press on in spite of it, only to have to concede eventually that it's no longer the right thing.

Grateful for any experiences you are willing to share.

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You made an extremely difficult decision, but it was obviously the right one or you wouldn't have been able to do it. Please be good to yourself, don't look backward, and be proud for knowing when to throw in the towel. I believe things happen to us for reasons we can't yet comprehend. Keep your chin up. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending you a great big ((((((hug)))))).

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18 months ago I was exactly where you are now. It was the hardest thing I ever did, and believe me, I've been through some crap. I had worked all my life to gain credibility in my field, and I was very established in a career that I loved. HOWEVER, quitting was clearly the best thing I ever did for my health. The rest for my body and the relief from the stress was just what I needed to begin to heal and it also gave me time to sift through doctors and finally get the right team together.

Have hope for yourself, because I was able to return to work at the beginning of this year. I started out very part time and so far I am able to do it. Every day I am scared about relapsing, but if I hadn't taken the time off I wouldn't even be able to write this. Hang in there, I truly understand.

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Thank you so much for your responses everyone. Only the DINET family can truly understand what this is like and how hard it is for us.

Thank you Julie and Victoria for the kind words.

Songcanary, your story reads like my story, set on a career path doing a job I loved that it very rewarding but high pressure at times. I am so pleased to hear the break did you good and that you have been able to return to do some part time work. There is hope in your story and I will keep it in my heart. Best wishes, I hope it goes well for you.

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I feel for you. I had to leave work in late pregnancy due to POTS. I was too sick to return for about a year. It was hard financially but no choice really. I was able to get some disability benefits from disability insurance. My job was held for me and I was able to go back part time. I worked part time for the next 3 yrs. Then back full-time. I was fortunate.

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Guest tearose

I am so sorry for you too.

Our work in the world helps us feel useful, needed, appreciated and the financial income is needed too.

I pray you will find your way through this difficult time.

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I'm glad to see this post as I have been struggling on what to do about my job. I only work part time but it's should be full time for the amount of stuff that needs to be done in that 4 hours! I am really struggling with the pressure from my direct supervisor. I am being micro-managed and it's driving me CRAZY! Extra stress is just not good for people with POTS but others dont really understand how it affects us. When I am having a bad day I have to walk around the building we are in to get rid of that excess epi pulsing through my body causing havoc! Thanks for the post!


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I left my job in 2007 due to POTS. I saved up for a long time so I could do this. I was mentally and physically burned out. I was supposed to be on a leave of absence, but when I went to go back they didn't need me anymore because it was right when the economy crashed at the end of '08. You know what they say, when one door closes, another one opens. I was really scared, and it was not part of the budget to have this happen! I found some temp work which was supposed to be for 2-3 weeks. It didn't pay well, but I took it anyway. Two years later, I'm still at the same "temp" job. I've been able to negotiate better pay, don't get benefits, but I DO get to work from home. It is really very POTS friendly and my life is so much easier/happer now - and my health has improved too! I found it by accident/luck, at a time when I didn't think I could find any kind of job at all. When I was burned out and dreaded work, after taking time off and coming back to work, I actually realized that I like what I do. I know it's terryfiying leaving a job, but hang in there, it will work out in the long run...

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Hugs to all of you who have had to have leave a job you all loved and shame on the employer who can't see the value in us who struggle with a disease that we all don't want to have other than a normal life. I also was on short term disability-off of work for about 3 months and was fortunate to return to work full time. I also worked about a year before I literally crashed and burned very symptomatic. I can say at first, it was difficult being back to work at a full time pace. I do have a desk job, but like many of you, the work load is immense and I am in middle management and get pressure from both ways. I pray allot and pace myself. I believe that God knows how much we can take and when he says I have had enough, than I will do what has to be done. So don't be too hard on yourself for leaving a job or returning to work because I believe you will know when the timing is right to get back to work or not-maybe do something else.

Kudos to the DINET family-best support system in the world-Love to you all for keeping me on the straight & narrow path. :)

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Change can be very hard - but we can't really expect much if we keep doing the same things over and over again with a bad result.... When we dig in with a vote for 'change' - while difficult we can begin to see things in a new light --- with clearer vision perhaps ...

So in the breaking of your routine - continue to be good to yourself - that's what you did in quitting your job - focused on what would be 'good' to your situation in life...

Stay steadfast to your intuition, prayer, meditation or whatever it was that led you to your decision to try to recreate your days for a better outcome....

Now you are in a better positon to see new possiblilities - not the least of which would be focusing on routines and aspects of body, mind and spirit 'wellness'....

May you gain stength and healing in every aspect of your life ~ Try not to let fear overwhelm or any other negative thought/emotion... I trust you will do very well indeed in getting what you need out of your courage to shake up the status quo!

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