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Fainting & Seizures


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Hi Everybody~

Hope you all had a nice weekend. I find myself "dropping" and fainting more often lately. I'm also having seizures that last about 5 seconds or so, but really scare me. The other thing that's increased is my fatigue level. I'm spending most of my day in bed from about 1 pm until the following morning around 5 am. I don't sleep all that time (but a good part of it), yet I never feel rested (CHF anyone?). I'm starting to wonder if there's some kind of link to MS with these symptoms, which also include dizziness, vertigo, balance issues, etc.

Anyone else have knowledge or experience with the same things?

Thanks to anyone who might have an answer.



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Yes to almost all of the above. I actually started with "obvious" MS symptoms and have arrived at this board, 8 ys later, wondering if it's not all due to autonomic issues. I don't have answers yet, but I recognize many if not all of my problems in the description of autonomic dysfunction. I'm still trying to find a doctor who remembers enough about the ANS to look at me.

Sorry if this is a repeat, but 8 ys ago, my problems started with balance and vision (due to the inability to move my eyes-cranial nerve problems). After initially ruling out stroke (I was in my mid-30s, tho I have anti-phospholipid Abs, so it was a realistic possibility), they thought MS. As they were testing for that, I ended up in the hospital and during my stay I had trouble swallowing and urinating. They REALLY thought MS by that point, but NONE of the MRIs or lumbar punctures supported that diagnosis. A month later, while still experiencing the vision and balance probs, I ended up having status epilepticus, so they were like "Eureka! Something we can treat!". To their credit, they did more testing while I was in the hospital, but no reason ever showed up. They sent me home with anti-epilepsy drugs. I was supposed to follow up with the urologist who saw me in the hospital, but my ability to urinate improved so no need. All the MS-like symptoms-no one had a clue! I had MRIs yearly for a few years, but none ever showed lesions, so they figured I was in the clear as far as an MS diagnosis.

At that time, I was starting new drugs, so don't know if it was the drugs or my health, but I was VERY tired. I ended up doing the doctors rounds for that, and my FP doc adjusted my thyroid med, and an endocrinologist suggested I was adrenal insufficient and put me on cortef. Between all those meds, I made a turn-around and started feeling better.

I've had minor peripheral symptoms over the years, but nothing severe enough (like trouble urinating, but not completely unable). I did once make an appt with a urologist during a "spell", but by the time I got in, I was better. I did try explaining it, and he said it sounded like a neural problem...which I figured, but there wasn't much he could do since I was asymptomatic at the time. Sigh. Last Fall, while under stress, I started having daytime tachycardia, and an episode of shaking scary enough that I ended up in the ER. I've been having a lot of peripheral problems lately that fall under autonomic dysfunction, and have been trying -but failing- to get a doctor to help diagnose them.

Anyway, in short, yes. My peripheral symptoms were at one time thought to be MS; docs now try to ignore them..... (like my neuro last Friday-"take these pills and call me next week") (As an aside, my symptoms are WORST before my period. So, for example, I had my first episode of cognitive failure on Friday, but my period is starting today so of course I'm feeling better. That doesn't mean "I'm all better", because I'm gonna have another pre-period next month, too, doh!) :(

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Hi Jana

Cant say i know of any definate links or much about it but during weekend i hadto attend the emergency doctor with severe backpain ( I thought kidneys, but they are clear, he thought nerve/spine pain) and he recommends investigation for MS. The same evening i had, what you could call, seizure like activity. Although is was not a seizure, i experienced, and continue to do so, twitching, spasms, pins + needles, all the other symptoms you have mentioned, bad memory loss and struggle with recollecting names, events etc. I was diagnosed with POTS in April, have a serious family history of Multiple Sclerosis (including a sister aged 21 diagnosed last year with progressive form) and other Neurological conditions which seem to progress rapidly. Ill be following this recommendation up this week and be looking for MRI brain and spine to rule this out. Ill let you kno how i get on and if i get any further information of any links!

Sorry nothing definate for you!


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Jana, Sweet Jana,

I need to send you an email....I'm sorry all of this is happening to you. I spend all the time in bed also. My arms and legs will jump around at night, I now have tremors, have near fainting episodes in the night. I'm also having my hands and feet falling asleep. FATIGUE is terrible and that is why they are doing a mito workup in July. I hope you get some answers soon.



Bellamia ~

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Jana, I have every symptom you mentioned & mine are related to Meniere's disease. Have you been checked by an ENT? The drop attacks, feeling like you're having a seizure for a few seconds, & the fatigue that accompanies Meniere's is like nothing else I've experience. Meniere's is a very debilitating illness.

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Thanks everyone, for posting replies. Alicia, I was tested for Meniere's disease a couple of years ago, but may want to do another test. Just recently, my cardiologist took me off Lyrica for my small fiber neuropathy because they think it was making my BP go lower and causing more fainting. Oh, yay.

Bellamia (sweetheart), Issie, s-pot and Fried Brain...I feel your support and caring.



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