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Implantable Loop Recorder


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My POTS doc. told me that he was thinking about implanting a Loop Recorder. The news shocked me therefore I was too scared to ask questions about it. I am nervous all the time and have anxiety issues.

Can anyone tell me their own experience of having one. He said it would be place for 2 to 3 months.

Thank you,


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I have a medtronic reveal monitor, it stays in place for up to 3 years. Have had mine for about a year and a half. Really, not anything to panic about, it is not actually connected to your heart, and it a LOT more convenient than carrying a monitor around. It was a less than 1 hour outpatient procedure to place it. (I was at the hospital all day, but the procedure itself only took about an hour.) Hopefully will give your doc a much clearer picture!


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Yes, had one its basically like a 24 hour recorder for your heart,mine was in six months then I received a pacemaker. Its a good way to see what your heart is doing.

What may I ask was the reason for the Loop Recorder and then having the pacemaker? I have the high bp and high pulse rate. I was so nervous that I didn't even ask the dr. why. :(

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Hi, I had high heart rates,and numerous fainting episodes. The pacemaker worked for awhile,but over the last two years things have gotten worse, I get afib episodes,tacy episodes,low blood pressure. I pass out at least once a day. The drs change my settings in the pacemaker and I have been on numerous meds.so far nothing working. I also just recently have mitral valve prolapse. I hope things work out for you. The procedure for the monitor takes little time. It cam be a good tool for determining what is causing your issues.

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I have an implantable loop recorder. I've had it Just over a year. I really don't notice it anymore. It was an easy outpatient procedure. It lasts 2-3 years, I guess until the battery goes bad. I had mine due to some fainting. So far my results have looked OK. I had some bradycardia that may require a pacemaker but otherwise nothing awful. I have POTS and right now my HR is pretty well controlled with my atenolol. It has provided some helpful info here.


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