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Dentist Nightmare & Update


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I went to the dentist today and was given a shot to numb my mouth and then suddenly my heart rate went crazy and I came over faint and they had to tip the bed so my head was near the floor and my feet were in the air.

I think I passed out cos suddenly there were nurses in the room taking my pulse and asking me how I felt, I said " I feel sick".

When I recovered I was told that my heart went too fast and I cant have that injection again because it contains adrenalin .

I managed to speak to my doctor in the week and she was really interested in the connective tissue idea , she said she will look into it for me and made a list of all my problems ...

gum disease with bone loss.

orthostatic hypotention.

cysts on my finger joints.

litchen sclorosis.

swollen saliva gland.

hyperflexible joints.

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Wow, what a nightmare!

And, I have a 'hole' in my front tooth because I cannot have dental work done. For the same reason that happened to you, I cannot take the adrenaline-loaded shots. And the others without adrenaline, they didn't phase me last time I was having a filling refilled. It felt like I had been given nothing, and they had given me three rounds!

Until they can control my b/p, I have been guiltily putting off the dentist.... :(

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I've had this happen! It was sooo scary because it was totally unexpected! They shot my mouth and then left me; I sat there feeling more and more like I was going to have a seizure, and nobody was around and I was too afraid to move and yet afraid not to move. I was later told I'd had a bad reaction to the adrenaline and that I needed to make sure to tell all dentists forever after that I can't have that. What I was told is that the adrenaline helps prolong the other numbing agent, so without it, they have to keep shooting me up repeatedly with the numbing agent. I'm not diagnosed dysautonomia yet, but my main complaint in the past was postural hypotension of the symptoms. Maybe there's a link there.

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Before I was dxed with Pots I was never able to get numb with novacaine and lidocaine. Once it took 21 shots before I was numb for a root canal. The dentist told me my nerves were not in the right place. Soon I became allergic to lidacaine. But it was acctually the epinephrine. Now I have to take 2 bennadryl before all numbing procedures. The dentist had been using something that didn't have the adrenalin in it and it was actually much stronger. It was a big relief for me, as I could never get numb. Since my pots, I haven't been able to go back and a huge filling has fallen out. I now have no dental insurance and need to do something soon. I will actually speak to my cardio next week, as I'm afraid of getting an infection and having it go to my heart. I want a dentist who will understand Pots and all of my complications.

I wish you the best of luck.


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Before I was dxed with Pots I was never able to get numb with novacaine and lidocaine. Once it took 21 shots before I was numb for a root canal. The dentist told me my nerves were not in the right place. Soon I became allergic to lidacaine. But it was acctually the epinephrine. Now I have to take 2 bennadryl before all numbing procedures. The dentist had been using something that didn't have the adrenalin in it and it was actually much stronger. It was a big relief for me, as I could never get numb. Since my pots, I haven't been able to go back and a huge filling has fallen out. I now have no dental insurance and need to do something soon. I will actually speak to my cardio next week, as I'm afraid of getting an infection. I want a dentist who will understand Pots and all of my complications.

I wish you the best of luck.


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My dentist actually seems to understand a bit of what is wrong with me. He was the one who told ME I cannot have the "regular stuff" and uses something else. I am always on edge anyway because I fear the tachycardia, but if it does come, it only lasts a few minutes and isn't too terrible. What he uses does do a good job of numbing me up.

I had neglected my teeth for a few years because my previous dentist wasn't as amazing, and I always got so sick after seeing him. Since getting the new dentist, I had a lot of work done on me, and it took a year and a half to get it all done. I had to spread it out to afford it, and I didn't like to have too many appointments too close together in case it caused POTS problems.

Mirry, I hope your next experience at the dentist goes better.


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