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Intense Headache With Vomiting

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Hmm... had been able to wean down to very little florinef and then had to add back in as symptoms flared - maybe that was the cultprit. It is such an awful feeling. Thanks for your responses.

If it's the florinef- that's a big warning signal. Apparently you can get an awful headache from your BP being too high. What dose were you at? Did you get to check your BP during the headache? Hope that headache's gone for good.

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Many times after I pass out, when I come to I have a horrible headache and throw up or if I get one of my horrible headaches by itself I sometimes throw up as well. Doctors just told me it was due to the fluctuation in bp <Who knows> Maybe we should both check ours when we have one the next time and see what it is doing.

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Just wanted to pipe in that I also got this flavor of headache from too high a dosing of Florinef. I did find a happy medium, so I did not have to stop the drug entirely. The classic Florinef headache is one that you wake up with and can be migraine like. Not only can Florinef raise blood pressure, but it can increase intracranial pressure.

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