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Medical Aid's suck


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Every year I have depleted my funds of the medical aid. As my health has been getting worst and worst over the years, I have been shopping for a good medical aid. My husband and I believed that this year we had chosen the best possible medical aid on the market. Until I was admitted to hospital for nearly 3 days. They did not pay a cent. Reason disease unknown and to rear. Pots. My diseases are seen as micky mouse diseases and will not be covered. I spend nearly 2000 a month on medication and cant get chronic medication. The stupid medical aids don’t know anything about our problems. My life is **** and they say O its nothing. If we had something common like Diabetics or Cancer, No problem. I tell you I wish that the person who rejects my payments and medication applications get all my problems. Then we will see how they live with it. <_<

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I have been fortunate to have good insurance for most of my life---and to live in a state that made it illegal to fail to cover a "pre-existing" condition. Of course, they don't cover everything...and somethings are woefully undercovered (like the surgery I needed last year where I ended up owing tens of thousands). I always have to remember that these companies are trying to make a profit, so that any way they can limit paying out, they will.

Nina <_<

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I understand completely!! I've been covered under my parents health insurance forever, and tomorrow it runs out, and I can't afford to pay the premium to continue the coverage. No other ocmpany will cover me for at least one year because of the pre-existing condition. Therefore, I have a chronic illness, expensive medications, and no medical insurance...isn't is wonderful?

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Hi all,

I haven't posted in a LONG time but I read every so often. TO refresh your memories of me I am Susie, I'm 18, and umm have OI and NCS.:)

Anywho, I know all about this medical coverage crap! I maybe young, but since my parents who are both self employed, they have to pay for there own health insurance which in turn includes me and my brother. Well we had a good insurance company until i think 2 yrs ago, when they went bankrupt. So we went searching but nobody would take me and the local HMO didn't have open enrollment for 6 or so months. The ones who would take me were an arm and leg. So for 6 months or so I drift with no medical coverage, and yes my parents were paying for the scripts. <_< anywho, the local HMO sold out and now they have some crappy provider now, we only can have up to 50 grand in claims! I mean if i spent 5 days in the hospital i am screwed. so now we are looking into getting medicad and social sercuity for me as i can't work.

just thought to let ya know you aren't alone.

Susie B)

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I guess I am the lucky one here. I can't afford insurance, but the VA covers me since I am a veteran. You can investigate medicaid, but they have caps on how much income you can earn before you qualify. If you have a bad case of POTS you could always file for disability which generally includes medicaid as part of the deal. Disability is not easy to get, you almost always have to appeal to get it.

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