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Florinef Trouble?

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I ran out of Florinef and was only able to take one of the two prescribed tabs this a.m. Since then, despite drinking lots of Powerade and water, I've felt terrible. Dizzy, hissing sound in my ears, weak and generally, feeling out of it. Could the missed dose of Florinef have that kind of sudden impact? I am feeling a bit desperate because I have to be well this week- too much to do.

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I ran out of Florinef and was only able to take one of the two prescribed tabs this a.m. Since then, despite drinking lots of Powerade and water, I've felt terrible. Dizzy, hissing sound in my ears, weak and generally, feeling out of it. Could the missed dose of Florinef have that kind of sudden impact? I am feeling a bit desperate because I have to be well this week- too much to do.

Is the pharmacy working on your refill today? Florinef needs to be tapered slowly when coming off, so you may be experiencing some withdrawal after cutting the dose in half. Let your doctor know, so you can be back on your regular dose by tomorrow. Sorry you are having a rough day.

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I have missed a dose of Florinef and had all my POTS symptoms get worse. After taking the missed dose, I am back to baseline within a few hours.

You aren't supposed to stop it suddenly but I think my symptoms after missing one pill are more due to needing the med to raise my BP than withdrawal.

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I thought it would be a good idea to try to go without my florinef due to excessive fluid retention. I had quick negative results from missing a dose. I eventually got to where my memory started being affected. I didn't realize how badly I needed it until I tried to go without!


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