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Yesterday when I woke up I felt like everything was spinny on me, even the slightest movement I made made it so much worse, was also diagnosed with migraines before my diagnosis of POTS but the vertigo was never that bad before so I was wondering if the intense vertigo could be a symptom of POTS?

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It was one of the first things I guess I noticed.

There are also vertigo migraines?

I don't really have a headache with mine.

Today I am just really cloudy and sleepy.

I had a lot of anxiety today panic attack while driving again-hate that.

So maybe we're both kind of feeling a wave of something?

I think it will get better for you-mine basically went away and I only feel it now and then.


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It was one of the first things I guess I noticed.

There are also vertigo migraines?

I don't really have a headache with mine.

Today I am just really cloudy and sleepy.

I had a lot of anxiety today panic attack while driving again-hate that.

So maybe we're both kind of feeling a wave of something?

I think it will get better for you-mine basically went away and I only feel it now and then.


Thanks for responding to both my posts, yesterday was the first for an all day bout of vertigo for me. It was something different from the symptoms I've been experiencing and it was a bit scary. Today I am still very dizzy but the intense vertigo has eased. Sorry to hear you are going through a rough time too and hope you are feeling better soon.


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I am diagnosed with NCS and just this Sunday I had severe vertigo. It lasted for a few hours where I couldn't move my head off the pillow. This has only happened once before when I was feeling horrible back in January. I don't understand why we get it either...maybe the whole dysautonomia thing. Hope you are feeling better-----Pat

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I've had problems with vertigo for about 3 years now- I used to wake up with it every now and then, and suddenly one day I wokle up with severe vertigo and it never went away. I have found things that trigger it, and things that help- but I definitely think it's related to the imbalances in the central nervous system. Maybe something on my trigger or help list will help you too...otherwise, it's just another great POTS mystery.

Things that make vertigo WORSE:

1) Eating foods I'm allergic to (too much wheat, dairy, or even sugar can trigger an episode)

2) Being dehydrated

3) Going too long without food

4) Overexertion, being too tired

5) Overstimulation (mainly in situations with bright, flashing lights or extra loud music, like a concert)

Things that help (other than avoiding triggers!!!):

1) Acupuncture has been a LIFESAVER

2) A homeopathic remedy called vertigoheel

3) The allergy medication Zyrtec can stop or slow down a major episode

4) A chinese herb called Pill Curing (Curing Pill) is great for the inner ear and immune system, so I'll take a vial of it when I'm feeling really dizzy.

Other than that, it's something I've learned to live with, along with everything else. But it's probably the worst symptom I have.

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Your question made me remember my ancient medical history. When I was a teenager I was under the care of a neurologist for migraines. When I was 16, I had a period of at least 2 weeks where I felt like I was trying to walking on a boat and kept banging into walls. I couldn't go to school or drive during this time but I don't remember anything else being done. No fancy imaging equipment around then.

Over that summer, the doctor admitted me to the hospital for further testing of the headaches and eventually dx'd me with migraines and cluster headaches. The cluster headaches were not that bad for a long time generally surfacing primarily in the fall. When I was on low dose prednisone for years, I had no cluster headaches.

Geez... so aside from not persuing teaching for fear of standing, this thing really has been with me and shaped my whole life.

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Hi Nikki,

Dizziness was one of my first and major symptoms too and I was originally misdiagnosed with vestibular problems.I regularly have a sense of imbalance but can relate to spinny episodes although thankfully they are quite transient.

I am more likely to get them in bed and when I first get up.(dehydration?)

I am sure they are part of POTs/OI,I assume the lack of blood in brain thing.

I am still learning what helps but I notice it is worse if I am at all short on sleep or have let my hydrating slip.

Hope you are less dizzy soon.


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