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Flu Like Symptoms


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Doea anyone find that when they are really ill with POTS that they also feel very flu like? This week my POTS symptoms have been very bad, but I also have sinus pressure, vertigo, and a fast pulse on standing-worse than my normal bad, if you see what I mean. I feel like I have a massive head cold but without the fever or flu. Does this sound like something anyone else has experienced?

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I feel like I have the flu a lot when my symptoms are more active, but with the body aches, chills, nausea, sinuses, and nagging headache. I just feel depleted to the point where I don't want to move. I also tend to get low-grade temps occasionally. Don't feel like you're alone on this one!



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Yes, I feel "fluish" too when I'm at my worst. I remember when my POTS first started that's how I tried to describe how I felt to my doctor - that I felt like I was coming down with the flu over and over again. I still feel that way at times, especially if I have been too active, or pushed beyond my limit. I also get a sore throat, and swollen lymph glands when this happens.

Take care,


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Normally when I get sick, my symptoms are magnified... I am starting with a stomach virus (thank you, mother!!!), and the past few days, I have been more tachy than normal (my usual resting pulse rate is around 80-90... it's been more like 100-110 the past few days)... I also have had more episodes of presyncope, and I'll shake very hard for at least 20-30 minutes afterwards. It's difficult enough normally for me to stay hydrated... I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO hoping that I won't have to go to the hopsital because of this virus. At least it's only 2 miles away if I should have to go.

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I too get phases of flu-like stuff that stops well short of a full flu. In the past, I just wrote it off as getting a cold/flu and my body fighting it off really well (not sure if that happens or makes sense, but that was my excuse/explanation). Looking back, I now figure most of those times were POTS/CFS symptoms. I have a CFSie POTS... or a POTSie CFS. Flu-like symptoms without a flu are characteristic of CFS... whereas more nerve-like pain would lean toward fibro. One can kind of take their pick based on where the symptoms lean since the rest of the "symptom cluster" is virtually identical.

If you get an actual flu, the POTS symptoms would likely step up too... so it's always possible that sometimes one is just getting sick on top of having POTS, even when it is the POTS symptoms that get the worst and most noticeable.

Since lots of symptoms of "getting sick" are side-effect of the body's own immune response, it makes one wonder if (appropriate or inappropriate) immune reactions are involved even if it isn't a simple cold/flu. It seems plenty have considered "lingering or subacute infection" for these slippery conditions like CFS. I don't know how well those theories have held up.

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Yes....definately...just like the flu. When I have been moving too much my throat gets sore and voice gets hoarse, and my nose runs. My ENT said it was from the changes in the blood vessels. My body aches frequently and I feel like I am pushing a 50 lb weight around.

I have not even had a cold since I got POTS. I think my immune system has just way too overamped.


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Yes Erik I understand exactly where you are coming from. I too have CFS and sometimes it is difficult to see what is another infection and what isn't. My POTS is part of having CFS and find that the symptoms overlap so much.

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