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Anyone Else Get This?

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Sometimes, I get these "episodes" (for lack of a better word) where, though my vision will really blur out (it's like I don't have my glasses on) and my eyes will focus, as best as they can, on one particular spot and it's like I can't even move them. Usually when this happens, I will have some tingling, either on my limbs, or sometimes in my mouth and throat. It sort of feels like the very early stages of presyncope.

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o yes this is one of my most bothering symptoms. I tend to have brain fog 100 percent of the time, but if i get lucky and dont have it i still have messed up vision. I have had my eyes checked so many times and the prescription has not changed. it looks like i have Vaseline smeared on my eyeballs when i see. half the time i cant focus my eyes or one pupil dilates and the other does not. it drives me crazy! and i have this no matter if i am dizzy or not

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Guest tearose

I get blurry when fatigued. I have problems in general with morning low bp and light sensitivity. The blurry is not a good feeling. I was concerned and did go to a neuropthamologist who said it is not unusual for dysautonomia to cause this. He also explained that when our body is calling for blood and O2 somewhere else our eyes may go blurry. He said often after someone has heart surgery they will complain that they can's see clearly. He gets called in and within days, the vision starts to improve as the heart patient recovers from surgery!

Isn't that something.

Anyway, if it doesn't go away, do follow up.

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I think that the vision being fixed in one spot is the fact that my eye muscles just are too tired to move. I have been screened for seizures (I have occasional myoclonic jerks) and there was no abnormal readings on the EEG and my MRI and CT scans both were normal. I will follow up if it gets worse.

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This week I had my vision go yellow, and I couldn't see after looking outside watching my dog in the yard. The bright sunlight must have been too intense for me, because when I shut the door all I could see was yellow for several seconds. I know I have retinal thinning, but that's all I know. I also have some brain lesions, but they haven't been taken very seriously as anything significant.

Maxine :0)

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I don't think this has anything to do with anything, but I have been shown to have an almost 2 cm cyst on my pineal glad. From what I've heard, most people have one, though not as big as mine. I'm too tired to fight that.... I'm trying to tackle illnesses one at a time. Next stop, testing for EDS.

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