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Does This Ever Happen To You?


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So I decided I was going to go to our local grocery store for one item, as I know that I'm too weak to do more than that. However, once I was all dressed and ready to go, I was mostly to exhausted to go grab a bag of frozen berries, but determined as always, I went. It is about 5 degrees here, so the cold was a bit of a problem also, however, I just kept pushing. So I get to the store, walk to the freezer section, grab the bag of berries, head back to the registers, check out, walk to my car, get in, drive home (this is a very short drive, thankfully) and walk in the door and basically flop onto the couch. It sometimes amazes me how little I can do. I know that there are days that even going from the bedroom to the bathroom are difficult, but sometimes I just want to feel normal and do something normal, like running an errand as such. Anyone else relate?

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Oh yes, that happens to me most days, especially, like with you, when it's so cold outside.... Excessive heat makes it worse. Sometimes, I barely make it inside, and have to sit in my car for several minutes.

I also can relate to the wanting to be normal, and wishing that just standing up didn't completely exhaust me. I have only missed going to church a few times in the past 6 or so months... looking back, I can see that I was having a very POTSy day, but at the time, I just thought that I was being very lazy. Either way, driving to (hour and a half round trip), going through Mass, and going back home is about the only thing that I can do on Sundays. Sometimes, I can't even do that. I have been working very hard on not being jealous of everyone who is able to participate fully (kneel, sit, and stand when prescribed), but there are days that it's very tough. I, too, wish that I could just go do errands, or even clean house (which I used to hate doing both)... It's funny that I miss doing what I used to hate to do, but I would give anything right now if I could without having to sleep the next day.

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I can relate. I can start out feeling good and having a plan for the day. Then I get showered and ready to go and my plans are out the window. I am too exhausted to anything on my "to do" list at that point. Sometimes if I rest for awhile I can get up and go for a small errand but some days are just a no go.

Kris :blink:

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Guest tearose

Goodness yes. I just started another topic with a similar issue.

I think it is just too cold. My blood feels like it is moving like molasses in me. I can imagine being in the frozen food section and getting the brain freeze...I get to the register and I actually feel numb in the brain. Serious trouble writing my name and I feel like I was standing in the Artic Circle or someplace similar because I have trouble thinking...it is like I am truly brain numb!

Then, returning home I too will have the after event exhaustion. I often, will need a nap. I can do only so much in the cold. I know some people (like Erika mentioned) dread summer but it is far easer for me to cool down than to warm up.

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