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I have had this problem since I was like 10...I thought it was just "ME"

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Misophonia (often mistaken for Hyperacusis), literally ?hatred of sound? is a form of decreased sound tolerance. It is believed to result from abnormally strong connections between the autonomic and limbic systems in the brain, rather than over-activity in the auditory system itself. The term was coined by American neuroscientists Pawel Jastreboff and Margaret Jastreboff. [1]

Unlike hyperacusis, misophonia is specific for certain sounds. Little is known about the anatomical location of the physiological abnormality that causes such symptoms but it is most likely high central nervous system structures.[2]


People who have Misophonia are annoyed or, even enraged, by the sound of other people eating. Oddly they are not annoyed or enraged by the sound that they make themselves while eating.[3].

Often are people who have misophonia also annoyed by certain movements that other people make, like tapping with their leg, nail biting or other tics[4]. But no direct relation, between these sources of annoyance by people who 'suffer' from misophonia, has ever been researched, thus not found. Typing on a keyboard and drinking water are often also listed as "annoying" by people who suffer from misophonia.

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YES! That is me! I drive my husband crazy all the time. And I've been like that for as long as I can remember.

LOL mine also!!!! Every night he gets home from work and eats, I start off looking at him crazy and very annoyed and say things like you are eating like an animal or why did You choose that LOUD cereal !!! I remember as a child telling my mother and brother to stop slurping their spagetti noodles or my parents sipping their coffee, I would end up going to my room to eat because I couldn't stand it. LOL even the dog lapping out of the water dich would make me soooooo angry. I never knew what this problem was or even if it was a problem.


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Oh my God. I thought I was the only one! For at least 15 years I have HATED the sound of people eating.

I also am driven nuts by people eating spaghetti and scraing the spoon and fork- if I am at home and someone eats spaghetti I have to leave the room. I simply cannot bear it.

I also shout at people about eating like animals. It is just so disgusting, also, people who talk while they are eating or eat with their mouth open. I could punch people for doing this!

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Interesting. I have never heard of this (no pun intended) but I think my husband has this to some degree. He complains about the sounds certain people (family and friends) make while eating. I only vaguely notice the noises and they rarely annoy me. He cannot stand it when someone's mouth is slightly open while chewing and he walks out of the room if possible if I I am eating popcorn ... or even raspberries (anything with small seeds!). I think I am developing a complex about my eating sounds b/c of it, but reading this makes me think that yes, indeed, it is likely he is over-sensitive, for some reason.

I wonder what the treatment is?!

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Really interesting topic. I know my son used to be very sensitive to the sound of other people eating. I can't stand it when others scrape their utensils across their teeth (think nails on a blackboard). I also go nuts when people tap their pens, bounce their knees or feet, and little tics like that. I try to deal with it and be calm, but my anxiety builds and builds until I want to grab them and make them stop.

Does this have anything to do with restaurant/being in the mall/loud events that drive us crazy, too?

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I do not suffer from misophonia, but I do not like certain sounds. For me, I do not like loudness. It actually hurts me. I also do not like repetitive, jingle-type music, or overall agitated, noisy, loud repetitive beating drums or rhythms. It's like my nervous system cannot tolerate it.

Frequently, in the past, when I went to a movie theater, I would have to stuff my ears with paper to tolerate the loudness of all the speakers. I do not like concerts where the artist equates volume with talent.

I basically love peace and quiet. I immensely dislike the constant blare of a television set, with its loud, jingles and repetitive brainwashing commercials.

I disliked walking in the stores this morning to go shopping because the blare of Christmas music did not sound good to me. I felt like I couldn't wait to get out of there and I did not buy anything in the store that annoyed me.

If a song uses repetition of phrasing as its primary construct (somewhat like the repetition you hear in "hey jude"-na na na na, na na na na hey jude,..... you get the picture).....I can't stand it.

I don't know if I'm sound sensitive in general, but I do avoid agitating my nervous system when possible, and I seem to have my own preferences.

P.S. FWIW, all my sound "issues" arrived after the age of 38 yo. Prior to this, I would say that my tolerances to sound were average.

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I was normal before POTS too, but now I get SO ANGRY with for example crappy Christmas jingle music. "I wish it could be Christmas every day". I HATE IT! If I go and visit someone, and they keep their TV set at full volume while I am trying to speak with them, I find that unbelievably rude. It's just so ignorant. and it physically hurts me to listen to loud noise.

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That's funny.... I have always had problems with marshmallows. I HATE the sound that they make when people eat them, it is like nails on a chalkboard. It is okay when they are melted, and lose the squishy noise to them. I leave the room when anyone eats them, it is wierd how some things affect others differently LOL

Busy places, loud talking, loud music, people moving around me can be overwhelming for me, it is like i am oversensitive to it. I also have a lot of physical pain, and just someone brushing up beside me is severely painful. At first i thought it was just because i was going through the humiliation of being in a wheelchair. But I have made a lot of improvements with that and I know now that it isn't just that.

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I think everyone has their limits on sounds and I think if I asked how many of us had to wear socks to bed at least half of us would say yes. Or bite your fingernails I don't but half would say yes. So My belief is half of what is asked is going to be answered yes. just my 2 cents worths for today and today's not a good day for me!

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