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No More Baths...


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Well, since I've been reading about POTS I've been trying a few lifestyle modifications here and there, even though I'm not yet diagnosed and not sure if I do have it, although it does seem I might.

I used to have a hot soak every night in the bath- because I suffer with a lot of neck pain/knots, upper back stiffness/pain and tension headaches. I felt like the bath helped.

I always used to get this weird symptom in the bath, it felt sorta like my chest had to 'cave in' and push my breath out in what felt an unnatural way, almost like an involuntary muscle spasm in my torso that would force me to breathe out whilst pulling in my diaphragm- I've had the feeling other places than the bath but would most often get it in the bath... anyways, I digress.

I have noticed that since I stopped having a bath at night, I feel more 'awake' in the morning (I put it like that because I've never been a morning person, but it has been better recently). It's strange because I always felt like the bath was my treat, my luxury, yet going without seems to make me feel better...

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I do love a good bath ;) And now that I have a POTS dx, I finally understand why I feel like im going to die when Im in the shower. I like my showers hot hot hot. But I always feel like im on the verge of literal death, chest pain, nausea, short of breath, and the worst dizziness I have ever felt. Never had a problem in the tub though.


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I know we aren't supposed to take hot showers or baths so I take warm showers. If I take hot showers, I get dizzy, lightheaded, etc etc. My excerise scientist told me on days that I don't feel like exercising to take a warm bath to get the blood flowing. I don't know if that is what you were looking for or not but I would suggest warm temperatures. I take a little bit of a warmer bath just because I know the water will get cooler as time goes by. Hope this helps.

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I take baths every day now- I have a sprayer in my tub. I used to take scalding hot baths but one day my feet curled up- so much pain... but it was kind of interesting.

Anyway if your baths are a little shorter and not so hot you might be ok.

Also drink water after- you might be so hot you are sweating in the tub- losing salt/electrolytes and water. I take pretty hot baths still, but I drink a V8 and some water first.

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When I was diagnosed my cardiologist said I should stop having baths and have a warm shower instead. More recently I have found that on good days I can tolerate a warm bath without any problems. However I only do this when there is someone about in case I faint whilst getting out - I wouldn't want to drown!


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I take a shower when I wash my hair, usually twice a week. I used to love hot water, but have toned it down some. I have to have someone here with me while I'm showering, because I get so exhausted doing my hair. My arms are above my head too long. Funny how something I used to do daily is now such a chore I have to sit and rest to recover!

I take a bath when I shave, in winter, again twice a week. The baths don't seem to bother me as much. And I love a nice, warm bath. One or two days a week I get by without a shower or a 'sponge bath'.

What I could use for Christmas is someone to do my hair a couple of times a week!



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I can't get out of the bathtub by myself after a bath since the beginning of the year. My shoulders were injured and I ended up in physical therapy from my husband pulling on my arms to help me out---never ever let someone do that. I don't know why this problem started, but it must be something related to heat induced dysautonomia problems.

I have visions of my husband having to call 911 and the EMT's having to get my 55 year-old, wet, overweight body out of the tub whenever I am tempted to have a soak. No thanks. lol


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