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Just Watched Tv; A Person Has Improved Their Dysautonomia


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Anyone expecting to cure POTS through dietary changes alone might be disappointed... And yes most teenagers experience spontaneous remission - most adults dont... i found this diet helpful but after seven years on it I still get relapses and ive still got POTS.

"Most adults don't" ... How you know this ? There aren't any stats being taken on those who heal themselves. :) Traditional doctors who give quotes on who is healing is misleading. They don't know since their patients who refuse to settle for having an incurable illness leave them and either figure this out for themselves or go see holistic doctors instead. Maybe they should just count the number of patients who never come back ... :lol:

I'm sorry this hasn't worked for you but this kind of post only discourages people who "might" respond to dietary changes to even try it. There are thousands of people who give up gluten, dairy, MSG, etc who feel better. Did they have POTS ? Sure some of them did and eliminating those toxins was enough for their bodies to heal whatever was causing this and/or other symptoms. Of course everyone, like me, won't respond this quickly because their livers, kidneys, etc etc are too damaged to self correct this easily. But enough heal so that dietary interventions should be considered by all as a safe alternative treatment for POTS or CFS or FM ... Check out how people are doing this at www.glutenfreeandbeyond.org or www.celiac.com or any DAN site ...

We have an obesity epidemic in the US just because people refuse to watch what they eat and blame it on everything except their diets. Anyone who watches the Biggest Loser can see how wrong this kind of thinking is. Let's not forget that this is a lifestyle change not a 6 week trial. People need to wake up and realize just what diet is doing to them. How we ever got away from this kind of thinking is criminal.

Just saying that dietary changes haven't helped is misleading when you don't state exactly what you did. If you followed the SAD then no, you're not going to heal. The Paleo / low carb / low oxalate + EFAs diet is the best diet for me and would probably help others here too.

Did you eliminate all foods that you're intolerant to ? Tests can be used as a guideline but watching how your body reacts to certain foods or supplements is really the only way to figure this out.

Did you address blood glucose issues ? The low carb diet is known to regulate these but it takes time. My GTT was normal after one year on the Paleo diet but my fasting blood glucose level 2 years later is better than it was even then.

You may be missing out on important nutrients too .. did you have those tested ? Traditional doctors don't test for these and yet these are responsible for 100's of illnesses. Do you eat super foods ? Organics ? Do you vary the foods in your diet ? Did you try supplements to see if they would help ?

I've been tyring to heal myself for 4 years now and just learned the importance of essential aminos. Evidently my body isn't absorbing those from the meats I eat. Have you looked at this ?

My point is .... DON'T ever give up !!! Dietary interventions alone may not work for you, but a supplements may. You won't know unless you try it ... Because of the internet, we have an opportunity to learn about healing ourselves now that was never possible before .

tc ... Marcia

PS .. I said once already today that I wasn't coming back ... lol ... now I'm really out of here ... lol ... I've got too much to do and I leave Sunday ... Merry Christmas everyone !!!

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I never said that dietary changes arent helpful - I just said that they wont cure POTS.

How you translated this into me advocating bad diets, obesity and not eating a healthy diet is unclear to me. Also I have said before that some diets seem to help with autoimmune illnesses in general and also OI and CFS, but that doesnt mean that they 'cure' the condition.

So please name one of the 'thousands' of patients with POTS that have experienced a complete and permanent remission of their condition through dietary changes alone. To date Ive read about and/or met zero.

Ask any doctor about their clinical experience of adult patients with POTS or chronic OI. The general concensus is that adult patients tend to improve but rarely experience a complete resolution of their symptoms - some do, but its rare. Post viral OI patients do better than those that get it spontaneously according to some studies.

Sure, ive read quite a lot about celiac conditions - and I did find it interesting that many with milder intolerances to gluten report presyncope as a neurological manifestation. But that being said, Im fairly sure from your previous posts that you have been gluten free for a number of years yet still suffer from chronic OI?

What I am saying is that dietary changes may be helpful but I would not expect it to provide complete resolution of your condition. Dietary changes do help conditions like Essential Hypertension which is some ways is similar to POTS (increased sympathetic drive) but it is unlikely to cure it forever.

Most of this stuff is the realm of straw clutching. Before type one diabetes was understood, doctors advocated bed rest as a way of treating the condition. Why? becuase they didnt understand the condition thus had to make assumptions about its nature. Same as vapours causing bubonic plague.

POTS and Chronic OI are the same as any other illness - there is a fundamental cause - a dysfunction that is causing these conditions. We dont really understand it yet. Some things seem to help and some seem to worsen the condition. This is the same as some substances triggering a migraine - they dont cause the migraine, they just trigger one in a suspectible patient.

Because POTS and COI have unknown causes it is possible that dietary factors play a key role - but you cant say that with any real basis until its proven to be the case.

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  • 2 years later...

Just bringing this interesting topic back to life :).

btw, to those who are wondering about the florinef, I think the reason they said she cannot miss one dose is probably due to electrolyte imbalances which can set you up for a whole host of very dangerous things.

I'm curious about the Vasotec too...

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Just saying, that I am much better on Vitamin D, since I found out I was deficient, and CoQ10 is increasing my energy, as well...I'm a real advocate of supplements and diet, since I lived with this for 13 years without a diagnosis, and it is the only thing that kept me going, other than exercise. Now I am on medication and supplements. I've been on Flax seed oil for years at first for my eye health, but it is not only good for eyes, skin and hair; it increases circulation, helps with digestion, cushions joints, etc....Omega 3's, 6's, and 9's...wouldn't leave home without them...B complex is great for the nervous system, along with Magnesium, too! Anyway to keep healthy, I'm going to do my research, and try my best, to be my best :)

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