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Visit To Hospital Crazy


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Hey all, its been awhile since I have been on here, but wanted to see if anyone had every experienced anything like this? Yesterday (around 1pm) I was feeling really tired (I had sorta felt bad all day), so I laid down, well I remember my boyfriend trying to wake me and I just could not get all the way woke up, sorta felt like the way you do when you are coming out of anesthesia. Anyway, I obviously fell back to sleep. When I woke up again I was in the emergency room and my ex husband (lol) was beside my bed. I really honestly thought I was dreaming. I must have looked frightened, he reassured me I was gonna be fine and our kids were fine. I tried to ask him what was going on and I could NOT speak, my mouth would move but no words would come out, I knew what I wanted to say but nothing not even a whisper would come out. It totally freaked me out, then more of my friends and family started coming in and I found out that I had gotten completely unresponsive for awhile at my house and the paramedics brought me to the ER, I have no memory of this whatsoever. I do have the normal spells where I pass out but they normally last about 3 to 5 minutes. Of course at the ER, I had the normal ct scan and lab works, the only thing that was off was my bp was a little low. ....anyway they admitted me and gave me neon green iv fluids LOL.....about 2am I was able to talk, I am not sure why but I wanted to turn the lights out in the room and I was getting frustrated and I said something and it actually was audible so I called the nurse and she called the doctor and told him. Well this morning, I had 4 specialist come in my room, telling me they want to run all these test. I explain to them I'm talking now, and I'm feeling fine. One doctors theory is he thinks i'm having silent seizures and being unable to speak was a residual effect, another one thinks I have had a lot of stress lately and that caused me not to be able to talk????????? Anyway, they released me today about 1pm, still no answer, just an appointment to follow up with them in 2 weeks??????????? Has this happen to any of you?


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I have not been on for a loooong time.I just came back... saw your post and had to reply! yes i went down for 4 hrs, I could hear off and on, but not respond, totally out. I was rushed by ambulance they hooked me up to heart monitor etc and last thing was to put a tube down me to help me breath but I gaged so they waited on it. I was out for 4 hrs, could not move, eyes rolled in the back of my head, scared my family big time. when i came around they were running tests all negative, no explinations of why this happened. I could not walk was to weak stayed over night got fluids in me and felt better the next day, still exhausted but went home. I have severe tremors and will loose feeling like this and worry about going out completely again a lot. I get this way when I am very exhausted. Its very scarry, but most of the doc tried to say i mentally did this to myself. (I should go into acting!!) One said it was a pots flare, so not sure why this happened, but I am very prone to this happening, when I start tremors I know its time to sit down and take it easy. Hope this helps a bit. Would love to hear what your doctors have to say!!

Best wishes,


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Richland acres---I am so tired of hearing doctors blame the patient because they can't figure out what is wrong with us or they don't understand the disease we have.

I am sorry that happened to you. Sounds like you know your body and listen to it when it gives you signals.

I wonder why women are told things are in their head so much more than men? It aggravates me no end.


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Hello! Did you have a headache at all before this happened? PAralysis and loss of speech can happen with a specific type of migraine. It's called HEMIPLEGIC migraine and usually involves an inability to move one side of the body, but in my experience you can be unable to move both sides. It's possible to have this without the headache as well, but it would certainly explain some of what happened to you, as it is often accompanied by altered consciousness, varying from confusion to profound coma. Have you got a neurologist? Wonder if it would be worth mentioning to them. Hope you get answers!

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stress causing you not to be able to talk given everything else you reported is HIGHLY UNLIKELY and seems to me to be a doctor who hasn't got a clue calling this a pscyhosomatic issue...


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