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Retrovirus Linked To Chronic-fatigue Syndrome

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Considering estrogen pills... wearing pantyhose for compression... being eligible for morning-sickness meds... hanging out all day "with the other gals" in the support group here... I was even a Kelly Girl for temp work !!!

I can relate to Mack's potential for a little ego bruising!

I think I'm proof that some manhood can persist, would like to think so... a little bruising here and there might even make him stronger. Also, if I were his age again I would not be entirely disappointed joining an "It's all GIRLS" mostly supine support group... I think I had some recurring adolescent daydreams roughly along those lines back when my male hormones were particularly influential :)Like yesterday... we men really are cursed in these regards!

I'm sure he'll do fine in that regard... maybe end up with a king-cab truck and some motorcycles or something... but otherwise ok :)

It's interesting... I had "growing pains" and even saw a doc for them. Of course they just say "that's nothing... just growing pains" and a kid learns not to bring such things up. Also had at least 1 really bad infection/fever as a kid, basically to the point of mild delirium. But then also had head injury not long after that (which preceded fainting spells by 6 months)... so that's kind of my lead suspect unless this was compounding/cumulative damage. A definitive cause sure would be a blessing... even if the prognosis isn't much different for me, I'd love for this retrovirus thing to pan out.

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The higher female ratio could be the result of females generally having poor orthostatic tolerance than males (there are studies on healthy subjects that prove this point).

The website of the research body that found the XMRV virus states that they think it has to do with some sort of immune modulation or genetic defect that makes certain people susceptible but its unclear whether this occurs as a result of the virus or aids it.

Other retroviruses add their RNA to our DNA and make permanent changes. I assume this one will act the same.

We are all jaded by past things that have come up and ultimately proved unhelpful - im hoping that finally we've got some answers at least for some of us anyway.

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