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Wake Up In The Morning And..


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As well as all the HR and BP stuff what other stuff do you feel in the morning?

Having EDS, I wake up with a couple of things out of joint and pains in different parts of my body. I also always wake up with some sort of colic-feeling in my stomach, lots of gas and a slight headachey-migraine feeling which comes from being very dehydrated upon waking. I always feel seriously hot, like I need a cold shower, even if it's not particularly hot.

Do you all get this too? Along with the postural hypotension?


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I describe it as waking up with a hangover every day. I never feel rested. On a good day my head hurts. On a bad day it's a migraine attack that keeps me on the couch most or all of the day.

My gut doesn't usually bother me until I've been up for a while. I don't usually have any specific body aches; I just feel lousy to terrible, like I haven't really slept.

I don't have a proper diagnosis yet, but I have lots of documentation of crazy blood pressure and heart rate readings.

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Now remember, I have a circadian sleep disorder so I am waking up in the middle of "my night."

When I wake up in the morning, I just want to roll over and go back to sleep. Once I get out of bed, my heart starts racing and I start to feel like I am running (HR is usually 120-130bpm.) I just want to cry, I'm so tired. I feel more awake and rested at night before I go to sleep than when I wake up in the morning. I stumble down the stairs, turning on as few lights as possible, go to the bathroom and get a drink to take my meds and wait for a half an hour checking DINET and email while sipping a cup of instant coffee. All the while, I am working myself up to walking back up those stairs to wake my two sleepyheads for school, wishing that I could just climb in bed beside their warm little bodies for another 3-4 hours sleep. :oB)-_-

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Lately, I'm almost always tremulous. In the past, this would come only when I was pretty exhausted and it tended to pick on specific muscles... but now I wake up that way and it is most of my body. I can feel somewhat rested but never (or very rarely) feel fully rested... like I very rarely feel very healthy overall (but I'm spared from super severe pain or anything). Oddly, a recent wave of significant muscle pain/soreness was timed with feeling a bit better rested and mentally alert, especially waking. But that has passed and the forecast is "foggy with fatigue likely" most mornings again!

Like you, I'm more orthostatically challenged in the AM (based on my frequent supine vs standing measures), even if I drink tons of water and pee significantly hours before getting up (but of course the body can be dehydrated yet still dump intaken water).

Had thought maybe I was hypoglycemic from overnight fast but glucose tests were normal even at tremulous times. I don't have any overt GI issues (unless a recent chronic "pain in the but" is not muscular but is internal... don't know). Rarely a headache in recent years (used to have many long ago, likely just muscle tension, though family has significant history of migraine... perhaps any brain blood flow problems I inherited are less painful migraine and more POTSy).

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Sorry for those of you who have hear me say this before. I drink a large v8 and a large g2 before I even try to get up. Then I stumble down stairs and have a small cup of coffee and a hot decaf tea. Most ams I have IBS problems but the V8 before I get up has really helped me not grey/ back out. My new thing after I get my little ones on the bus. I have been riding my recumbent bike for 5 to 7 min. Not the 45min hard core I used to do. I just am trying to get a little blood to my head. Mornings Stinks but not as bad as they used to. Hubby brings me my drinks with a straw about 40 min before I get up. If my children get up first they do it. I have a love/Hate relationship with v8.

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I'm a little off since I'm sick but...

Some days I feel like, "Awww maaaan, I'm stuck in this place again?" XD

Cause I think I would rather be upstairs. XD

But...I feel my heart racing because it's time for medicine! And sometimes I am hungry. And thirsty. And I need to OMG PEE. And yet if I get up too fast I might fall in the floor and then I would pee in the carpet and that would do me NO GOOD. So I have to go slow and hope I don't overflow by accidently tangling in the sheets because I can't get MY LEGS TO WORK.

Okay. Free. Now to wobbbbble to the alarm to turn it off because if it was near the bed we would NOT get out of it. And to wobbbbble to the door like a pregnant lady because my bladder is THAT FULL. And to the bathroom.


Okay. Wash face to get all that nasty oil off because I have enough to run a car on my skin. Thank you, hormones. Wash hands. Rinse out mouth because I'm sure an army of bacteria is in there screaming, "THIS. IS. SPARTAAAA~"


Have fun with the wavy lines because when I move they're everywhere and so I get to imagine I'm tripping while I go to clear the dishwasher out. Then I say good bye to Dad, and go to take my pills and sit in the bed to check email and decide how strong I am to go to work.

I am strong enough. Stop being a baby.

Go to take a shower. Avoid shower for another thirty minutes by eating breakfast naked. Yes. Wander around getting clothing ready and other things ready, all while naked. Because other people are in bed and Dad's gone to work. Naked is fun.

Finally get into shower. Turn it o- WAHDOFERHGRHQIGRE- WHO LEFT THE SPRAYER ON?!

Anyway. Wash up. Wonder who made the delightful plastic bars that are in the wall that you use to hang on while you wash because they are amazing. Imagine they were inspired by monkeys, not weak people like you.


Get out, dry off, get dressed, all while panting and wobbling. Weeeeble~

PEP TALK in mirror about how YOU CAN DO IT.

Go into room, pack backpack. Look at cute dollies and wonder who you want to take today. Or a plushie. And some books or something to do on lunch if you don't go on a walk. Ponder this for longer than you should before you have to kiss Mom good bye, run out the door, and go to work. CURSE HUMANITY FOR NOT DRIVING\WALKING\WORKING\DOING THINGS AS GOOD AS YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ILL AND YOU ARE STILL MORE AWESOME.



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I always get up with my bones hurting, because laying down hurts. But then, so does standing up and sitting.

But after I move around a bit the joint pain eases a bit. Then I drink my 2 cups of coffee, eat some toast w/ cream cheese, and IF I need to get out - I need to have it done and back home by 10 or 11 am... Because the day is all downhill from there.

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I usually feel pretty normal when I wake up... after all I have been laying for 7 hours straight and my brain and body are happiest that way. Sometimes I feel shaky and light-headed on my way to wash up and such, but usually I feel "not too bad" for about the first 10 minutes that I am up and then it hits me... like my body suddenly realized it is upright. There is almost any imaginable symptom - wooziness, light-headed, headache, muscle tightness and spasms, dizziness, heart symptoms, "pre-syncopal-like" waves of feelings I can barely find words describe. Once I eat breakfast or have a BM and get the GI tract moving things continue to go downhill and all craziness breaks loose. Compared to how I feel when I actually wake up in the bed it is like somebody put me through a cycle in a washing machine and then threw me off a cliff.

~ Broken_Shell :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest tearose

I'm one in the felt like I was run over by a bus category. My bp is low and I am freezing cold. I can't drink anything too cool or too fast. Within a few minutes I will go to the bathroom and then drag my body to the kitchen. I often have to stop and sit down on my way. I can't have bright lights on and it takes some time to be able to move safely. I make a hot beverage, green tea these days, with caffeine. Slowly I hydrate, compress and get the body moving. If I go too fast or eat to large or use bright lights I easy trigger a migraine. I have not been able to rush the process of raising my bp. It may take 2-4 hours but I do go from a morning waking bp of around 70/58 to a compressed and ready to go bp of 110/70.

I do have an added challenge of maintaining my lymphedema which I do with compression too.

For real-moment example, I am now nearly done with breakfast at 7:20 am and I was awake at 5:30 this morning to successfully be able to leave my house at 9:30 today to make an 11am appointment. I don't think much about comparisons but I am sure that most people don't need to allow that much time to get up and out the door. We find a way to adapt and modify and survive the best we can. I know I will need a nap today and then hopefully I can assemble a dinner for my family tonight. That is all I pray for in this day. Oh, maybe, if it is possible, it would be great to have the energy to do the dishes after dinner too!

I am so blessed to have my DINET family to help me remember to count my blessings. Thank you.

Peace, Strength and Love,


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Hi Tea! I hope you are doing ok this week. Well everyone, I am in the hit by a bus category too. I wake up feeling HIDEOUS. I never used to have problems with getting up for high school at 7am, but now? Well, now I take over two hours from when my alarm starts going off, to when I can stop hitting the snooze and know I will stay conscious. Doesn't matter what time I go to sleep- last night it was 10.30pm. I still couldn't move before 8.30am today.

I feel achey, dehydrated, hear traces because of the noise of the alarm. I am very tremulous and shaky. can't face breakfast- feel nauseous. Tingly all over- generally, uncomfortable. Because I am acutely aware of how long it takes me to get moving, I begin the day with thoughts of "I should have been up hours ago...and I have all this work to do!"

This week, I'm working in my room in College rather than the library because I am achey- that fibro way- and know that I need to lie down. I am lying completely flat now as I type this and I'm STILL HURTING :)

I am working onj manuscripts at the moment, but THANKS BE TO GOD I have a facsimile- a reproduction, like a posh photocopy, of the main manuscript I'm working on. I guess it's lucky I'm in my own room and own space because the swine flu is RIFE in Oxford- every time I go out of the door I ammet by people coughing, sniffing and what not- note that NONE o these people have tissues or hand gel. Grrrrr!

Sorry- have gone off on a tangent, but, yep, I feel crappy in the mornings. I always do at this time of yar. I wonder if lack of light has something to do with it because this is not a problem for me when the sunrise is before 6am, in the summer time and late spring. More importantly though, does anyone know how to get rid of the feelings of crappiness?

p.s: I will write an account of my trip to the US soon- but it's going to need time because there's a lot to tell you all. In short though- Harvard = AWESOME!

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Like I've been out on a bender the night before, which, unfortunately, I've not.

My heart rate and blood pressure are crazy - sometimes the heart wants to thump out of the chest. I know it's a bit worse now that I'm on a Beta Blocker as I have to get my AM meds in me. The Beta Blocker seems to help the most at this stage in my POTS.

Sadly, the longer I sleep in the worse body aches/other little issues I seem to have I notice. I guess my ANS prefers to wake up earlier and try to function. And then there's the extended dehydration...

And just feeling crappy until I try to get some food and drink in me, later some caffeine. I'm bad on the food sometimes. My food-system seems to take a while to kick in. I'm working on it.

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I am in the category of I can go in the morning. I do not feel good...joints hurt etc...but my body is happy that it has been laying flat for 8+ hours.. I can go until around noon. Not tht I feel good...but then the real sick e5pisodes start around 1 or 2..............I am always down from about 2 - 5. Then if I have been flat for 3 - 4 hours I can go again..for a while..but sick and weak...slow..


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Guest tearose

Oh my goodness, I do the self talks too!

I am often prayerfully meditative and DO believe in a Divine Energy greater than me...So, I call upon it...

Sometimes I say "I just must do this" and sometimes I say "You've got to do this" and I have said "We've got to do this" When my husband overheard me once he asked why I speak in various tenses of "persons". Meaning I or You or We. I immediately understood and explained that sometimes I am speaking to myself, sometimes it is my guardian angel speaking to me and sometimes it is a whole team of angels helping me!!!

I try NOT to share with those who don't understand that these types of conversations are possible. Some just don't get it!

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Sadly, the longer I sleep in the worse body aches/other little issues I seem to have I notice. I guess my ANS prefers to wake up earlier and try to function. And then there's the extended dehydration...

My food-system seems to take a while to kick in. I'm working on it.

Ditto. Sleeping too much is terrible. Mornings are bad, but if I can get past them, I can have a functional day. I forgot what I was going to say next because it's morning...The extended dehydration is annoying. I feel like I'm bound in bed until I drink a certain amount.

And oh, the dreaded food system. I really wish it didn't matter so much. If I eat too soon, I'll be sick. If I wait too long, I'll be sick. One day, I will conquer food!

Oh my goodness, I do the self talks too!

I am often prayerfully meditative and DO believe in a Divine Energy greater than me...So, I call upon it...

Sometimes I say "I just must do this" and sometimes I say "You've got to do this" and I have said "We've got to do this" When my husband overheard me once he asked why I speak in various tenses of "persons". Meaning I or You or We. I immediately understood and explained that sometimes I am speaking to myself, sometimes it is my guardian angel speaking to me and sometimes it is a whole team of angels helping me!!!

I try NOT to share with those who don't understand that these types of conversations are possible. Some just don't get it!

I'm constantly talking to myself like this and asking for God's help in completing a particular task.

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You are very talented with your writing..... hugs

I'm a little off since I'm sick but...

Some days I feel like, "Awww maaaan, I'm stuck in this place again?" XD

Cause I think I would rather be upstairs. XD

But...I feel my heart racing because it's time for medicine! And sometimes I am hungry. And thirsty. And I need to OMG PEE. And yet if I get up too fast I might fall in the floor and then I would pee in the carpet and that would do me NO GOOD. So I have to go slow and hope I don't overflow by accidently tangling in the sheets because I can't get MY LEGS TO WORK.

Okay. Free. Now to wobbbbble to the alarm to turn it off because if it was near the bed we would NOT get out of it. And to wobbbbble to the door like a pregnant lady because my bladder is THAT FULL. And to the bathroom.


Okay. Wash face to get all that nasty oil off because I have enough to run a car on my skin. Thank you, hormones. Wash hands. Rinse out mouth because I'm sure an army of bacteria is in there screaming, "THIS. IS. SPARTAAAA~"


Have fun with the wavy lines because when I move they're everywhere and so I get to imagine I'm tripping while I go to clear the dishwasher out. Then I say good bye to Dad, and go to take my pills and sit in the bed to check email and decide how strong I am to go to work.

I am strong enough. Stop being a baby.

Go to take a shower. Avoid shower for another thirty minutes by eating breakfast naked. Yes. Wander around getting clothing ready and other things ready, all while naked. Because other people are in bed and Dad's gone to work. Naked is fun.

Finally get into shower. Turn it o- WAHDOFERHGRHQIGRE- WHO LEFT THE SPRAYER ON?!

Anyway. Wash up. Wonder who made the delightful plastic bars that are in the wall that you use to hang on while you wash because they are amazing. Imagine they were inspired by monkeys, not weak people like you.


Get out, dry off, get dressed, all while panting and wobbling. Weeeeble~

PEP TALK in mirror about how YOU CAN DO IT.

Go into room, pack backpack. Look at cute dollies and wonder who you want to take today. Or a plushie. And some books or something to do on lunch if you don't go on a walk. Ponder this for longer than you should before you have to kiss Mom good bye, run out the door, and go to work. CURSE HUMANITY FOR NOT DRIVING\WALKING\WORKING\DOING THINGS AS GOOD AS YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ILL AND YOU ARE STILL MORE AWESOME.



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