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Water In Fifteen Minutes?


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I've noticed something odd over the past few years and I'm not sure if its related or not. When I drink anything else it takes a while for it to go through. If I drink water, it goes through me in ten to fifteen minutes and it doesn't matter the amount, I have to pee like crazy.

Is that a symptom or just my kidneys being weird? I stay thirsty constantly, and I have to have a lot of water during the day or I get dehydrated.

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I drink mainly water, lemonade, or water with NUUN tablets for electrolytes. It seems like I have to urinate constantly. I keep tabs for a few days, and I drink approximately 12-15 8 ounce glasses a day. Anybody else? I try to cut off my fluid intake about 2-3 hours before I want to sleep, but I still get up at least a couple of times to urinate after I turn off the lights. It's maddening....



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When you drink a lot... you pee a lot... but when I was at mayo i learned that I was drinking far too much water (over a gallon a day). I was told that 50% of what I drink should be sodium rich (v8, broth, g2 etc.) This has helped me retain the fluid I drink. I used to get up about 6 times a night to pee. Now I only get up once and sometimes NOT AT ALL :) ! Maybe if you change what you drink it will help. Also coffee and green tea make me have to "go" more. Someone told me that these drinks stimulate your bladder! Good luck! Kayjay

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I know I crave salt like the dickens and the other night I was so tired but I had to pee really bad, so I dreamed I was about to go and actually almost did! So I had to run to the bathroom. It was so embarassing!

I got to where I just stopped going so much at night, I ignore the need until its painful and can barely make it. Probably not a good thing...

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I know! I hate having to get up so often at night. But I hate being so thirsty during the day, too!

I have tried drinking salty items throughout the day, but then I tend to have problems with high blood pressure at night (maybe it's because of my hyperadrenergic issues?). So I drink salted G2 in the morning, usually have soup or a salty item or lunch. After that, it's just water.

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I might have to start trying that. I love salt. I always have. I just can't get enough of it ever since I was younger. I would glisten my green beans and potatoes and carrots and meat and even ketchup! It was so much that people would look at me funny like 'how can you stand to eat that' but it would taste fine to me. It's like I HAD TO HAVE IT. I try not to, and that just throws me into withdrawals and I get very very dry and thirsty, too. It's so confusing. XD

They need to make salt water drinks. XD

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I'm annoyed right now at Campbell's Soup. I keep seeing ads that they've swapped in sea salt for regular salt in their tomato soup to lower the sodium content.

I keep yelling at the TV: "No! Keep the sodium in there!" :rolleyes:

I will be yelling with you. These low sodium people are so annoying!! I have a co-worker who concerns herself much too much that I eat salt on purpose. She prides herself in her low sodium lifestyle. I just say "whatev, its people like you who are wrecking the high salt dream world for the rest of us" and then I say "oooh, Friday night- time to get wild with the salt shaker". I guess I bring it on myself, LOL! Ah well, no one had ever mess with the Top Ramen or it is smack-down time I say! What is America if you cannot eat a 2000mg sodium meal for 30 cents?!

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I have this problem, too! I'm so thirsty all the time, and anything I drink (water, gatorade) seems to come right out within 15-20 minutes.

When I described this to my POTS doctor, he said it's not really a symptom of POTS so much as a symptom of autonomic dysfunction in general.

I am going to see an endocrinologist for it, and if they tell me anything insightful I'll be sure to post about it.

So far, I've found it helps to:

- sip warm water throughout the day (as opposed to drinking a glass of cold water) - this has been the most helpful thing to slow down the time between drinking and having to go to the bathroom

- increase my salt intake

- stop drinking 2-3 hours before bed

- sleep with my head tilted up

But mostly it's still a big problem for me. I can't go to a movie and sit for two hours without having to pee really badly, and that's embarrassing for me; I also am constantly having to leave my classroom to pee, which is embarrassing as well. Sometimes I just won't drink - like if I'm going on a long car ride with people who aren't as sympathetic to my health problems - but not drinking just makes my POTS symptoms sky-rocket, so that's not such a great solution either.

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Yeah. I go through phases where my body decides to dump water. Not sure what the key triggers are. At some point, drinking too much can itself cause this... though of course there is something going on to begin with underlying everything. I've wondered if the body is trying to purge something, or if it can be a histamine/kinin sort of response too... or my wildest idea is "shingles of the kidney" :) That wild theory is that a chicken-pox/shingles virus goes dormant but has "jumped" nerves up in a nerve bundle somewhere (remember shingles is identified by the fact that it emerges in one nerve's "sector" of the body)... so then it emerges someplace different (even "invisible")! Crazy, I know... but I like fun theories.

I've worried over this urination issue while job seeking (trying to resume work now after 2+ year hiatus)... plus my use of pee bottles at night (being male can have it's advantages) may not be very attractive to someone else if I manage to find a mate some day! I've analyzed this situation and concluded that I need to be a top level executive who got their job by nepotism rather than merit... the kind that has a chauffeur to work, gets to sit all day, doesn't really have any stress/responsibilities (those are very bad for my POTS), and has a bathroom & shower attached to their perfectly air conditioned executive office (I sweat a bit if upright for too long)... plus I need to have enough money & clout that a future mate can overlook my laying around a lot and the peeing in bed thing ("Sure he's gross and lazy but he's filthy rich so I love him anyway" :) I am working on my resume (& dating service profiles) now... please wish me luck :)

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but not drinking just makes my POTS symptoms sky-rocket, so that's not such a great solution either.

Ooh, yes. If I don't drink, I get really dry feeling and flush and dizzy and I feel like I haven't drank for days! It's horrible! >.< All they can tell me is its my medicine but I don't think so because it's changed over the years. I see my neuro next month, maybe he can come up with something! I'm going to mention this place and a few of the symptoms I've found are related that I didn't think were. :3 This forum has been extremely helpful. :3

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I'm annoyed right now at Campbell's Soup. I keep seeing ads that they've swapped in sea salt for regular salt in their tomato soup to lower the sodium content.

I keep yelling at the TV: "No! Keep the sodium in there!" :(

Haha! Oh my gosh, me too! I just made that comment the other day. I opened a can of Chicken and Stars because I felt like crap and figured it would be the usual salty treat I used to have as a kid, and it wasn't!

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