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Burning Feeling Down My Spine


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i've been in a flare up or whatever u want to call it for about 3 weeks. I am so weak, can't think straight, blah blah blah. But I've also got this burning/numbing feeling down my spine and my left hand goes numb a lot... anyone else get symptoms like this?

I was dx. with Multiple Sclerosis in 2005 and then pots in 07... the shocking feeling down spine and the numbness in left hand and arm is one of my first symptoms with the ms... but I really could not tell you which one it would be seeing how both are the nervous system....

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Frequently when I sit too long or when I'm stressed, I get a pain up my spine from the base upward and my left hand and foot go numb and go upward. I don't know why or what causes it, but if I get up and make myself move around, it tends to fade away. I think it's because blood is pooling on my spine and causing pressure. I'm not sure and I haven't mentioned it to my doctor.

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Yes, I used to get that all the time. A burning, tingling feeling down my spine, radiating over my shoulders or down my neck. Then the pins and needles-numbness feeling in my extremities. My POTS doc was almost 100% positive it was just another annoying POTS-symptom but did an MRI and other tests to rule out MS. Sure enough, it was just the POTS. Nothing really seems to help. I used to put cool cloths on my neck and back to stop the burning and just try to walk it off and/or do something with my hands to get the blood flowing. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. Hang in there.

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I have the left hand going numb symptom. It just started a couple of months ago, and it's from about my elbow through my fingers. Incidentally, I have also been tested for MS off and on throughout the years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my best friend was dxed with MS last year, and she complained of a funny feeling up and down her spine for seven years before they were able to confirm MS. the first test, even the spinal tap, was negative...but a year later, eye lesions showed up and the MS was retested and finally confirmed. she is very, very slow in progression, so she doesn't feel many symptoms and has a very good prognosis ahead...but very difficult to diagnose.

i don't think it's a POTS feeling.

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I think I had thought of a question or two to ask you, but now that I actually sat down to post I have forgotten them... I will try to remember... But, I did want to see if you had discussed it with a dr. and gotten any testing done on your spine like an MRI? I had also wondered about Chiari, tethered cord etc. Along with pinched nerve, disc compression or something...

You had that one AVM right? (kidney) Have they ever looked or discussed the possibility of having others that could block/slow blood flow etc?

I hope you are able to discuss this with a knowledgeable neurologist!


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