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Does Anyone Else Feel Better Later In The Day?

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I almost always feel better later in the day. Say, from dinner time on. I usually feel real crappy right before lunch. Anyone else and why?

I think i do. I usually feel worst after waking up, pretty bleh around lunch time, then after that a bit better. Then once its really late i started to get worse again.

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I can hardly get myself out of bed in the morning (6-6:30), and have my peak energy from around 10 am to 5 pm. I go to bed and read for an hour, and usually turn off my light around 7:00 or 7:30. But like a lot of us, don't sleep well and always want to take a nap in the early afternoon. I don't usually sleep, but 'rest'. If I'm going for a walk or to run an errand - on a good day, both - I like to be back home before noon. But it's incredibly hot here, so I stay in during the hottest hours.



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There are a few old posts on the boards about this. Circadiac cycles for symptoms are common. When I first researched this for myself years back ... I saw that the sick as a dog in the morning and almost normal by nightfall was seen in many illnesses such as chronic fatigue sydrome and people who have seasonal allergies.

There are a lot of hormones in our body ... like cortesol ... that are highest on waking and slowly drop off throughout the day. So that even normal amounts of adrenal hormones make us feel ill. Another slant on the hyperadrenergic POTS possiblity.

Just guessing ... I ofcourse have no clue.

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its funny because I thought maybe if I drnk a ton before bed, it wuld help with morning, but al it did was make me get up to use the bathroom a few times at night and thenfeel ven crummier in the morning..

oh well..

Yeah, that's how I felt too when I started drinking throughout the evening. So now I try to consumer most of my fluids and salt in the daytime/afternoon. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I have a salted beverage at my bedside that I chug.

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I generally feel my best during the day similar to one of the others who responded and said 10 a.m until 5 p.m. Of course this can vary depended on what I am doing but as the day goes on I tend to feel more tired and need to lay down for a rest and like to get in bed early between 7-8 p.m. I generally sleep pretty well but I do take a sleeping med .

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your hormones for raising bp are lowest when you wake, and then rise through the day, so it's not that unusual that you would feel better in the afternoon, or evening. Personally, I've always had a horrible time with waking up in the morning, and love being a night owl b/c that's when I feel okay. Doesn't hurt that the ambient temperature drops when the sun goes down.

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Possible reasons:

Blood pressure variations (lowest in AM)

Norepinephrine levels and stores (highest in AM)

Hydration lowest in AM

perhaps even melatonin lowest between 7am to 2pm??

So, are you saying that having the highest norepi stores in the am is what you think contributes to you feeling the worst in the am?

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Count me in the "worse in AM category" at this point. When evening comes, I'm either out like a light (ironically, falling asleep so quickly that I leave the light on :) or I get a second-wind (well, first wind). For some reason, I used to be the opposite for a while... I had a couple hours of feeling alive and capable first thing in the AM which quickly vanished.

Sleep isn't restful but I don't have a direct explanation and don't usually wake up (unless my body dumps all it's water which it does intermittently). Sleep disturbance can be partial, only keeping you out of the deepest sleep... and POTS is said to be associated with less than restful sleep. There are sleep disorders where one's circadian rhythm is off... maybe we can be "half-off" just as we can be "half-rested". I'm approved for sleep study for apnea concern but haven't had the opportunity yet. Anybody else had sleep issue confirmed medically that might explain this pattern?

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I've never had a sleep study done, though that would be interesting. My dad has mild sleep apnea, but I don't think the two things would be related.

I've decided that I don't care a whole lot why I feel terrible in the morning and better in the evening, as long as I know that's how it is. I've set most of my classes for evening for college fall semester (twice a week I have a noon class, but still not bad) and I set my own hours for work so I can choose to do parties in the late afternoon/evenings. Can't make my dr appointments work that way, but if I can make it work for me, all the better.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the late post. I finally realized that when working I always struggled with being productive (or even stay awake) during the day, then I would most always stay late (feeling guilty) and be quite productive in the evening... that was a pattern for decades.

Temperature was a partial factor... removal of distractions when others went home was a partial factor... but I am convinced the time of day was significant. It was like my mind finally got freed to work in the evening... whereas earlier in the day extra efforts to focus were just extra fatiguing (or over stimulation with coffee meant distracted thinking... also unproductive).

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