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Complex Ovarian Cyst


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Hi Guys:

I just found out I have a complex ovarian cyst. Leave it to me to get the rare, dangerous (sometimes fatal), and possibly malignant form. The symptoms (outside of breakthrough bleeding) have had me a bit confused as they mimic early pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness and enlargement, weight gain, etc) and I thought I was just having some weird POTS reactions. As far as I know, the two are completely unrelated but I thought I'd come here and ask if anyone else has experienced COC as well.


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Waterbaby, I just had a Cyst removed this past spring. Mine was not complex- it was a bleeding cyst (gross I know). Your cyst could more serious but my dr told me they don't know for sure until they get the cyst out and biopsy it. I was worried about the sugery but I did ok.... You need to be really sure that you get extra saline during the surgery. Good luck to you, I will be praying for you. I don't think that cysts are related to POTS in any way but you might feel a lot better when this is resolved.

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My Mother had multiple fibroid cysts that caused constant heavy bleeding. She waited for years to have them removed, far too long. After a trip to the ER due to passing out from lack of blood, she finally had everything removed. She had a surprisingly easy surgery (trans-vaginal) and a very good recovery. Now she wishes she had had it done much earlier. They had to take her ovaries too since some of the cysts had infiltrated there and were growing quite large. Other than the hot-flashes, she's a very happy woman! Can't tell you if it is POTS related, she doesn't have it. I just wanted to reassure you that surgery now days is much different than the "cut you open and rip it out" days.

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send you hugs and prayers that magically it will dissapear. strangely my last one did or the second hospital didn't see it. :angry:

i've had several taken out. i've been very sick and in the hospital last weekend for 4 days due to lower left guadrant pain. my good old irritable bowel flared my my pots really bad. when i try to do anything like a normal person i flare again. last night after a day at the zoo with family, i was a wreck. after eating out my meal went right through me as soon as i walked in the house. at the hospital i asked if it could be my ovary again they said, "no." i felt pregnant and looked it and only have one workng overy due to an ectopic preg. earlier in life. after, my body broke down last night i started vaiginally bleeding again.

this was an, "oh crap moment," for me as my gyn oncologist said, if i started bleeded again the not only could the cyst be back , but the uterine cancer. I was given till lat fall not to bleed to be cancer free. monday i must call my pc and start another investigation. i'm just feeling so tired right now of everything.

mine are complicated, i have to have an arterial line put in because my blood pressures are so unstable. they always do the quickest procedure possible at the top hospital in boston.

be well.

blessings and love to all~


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Thank you to everyone who replied. You all made me feel so much better. I had really sent myself down a wormhole after surfing the internet on COC's.

KayJay - thank you for the saline tip. I'm also glad you managed surgery OK. I am definitely worried about that. Firewatcher - I'm going to take your mom's advice and get the thing out ASAP. BellaMia - it sounds like you're really having a rough time - I'm so so sorry to hear that! And Janie - yeah - you're probably right! I have been feeling lousy since Springtime. I'm SURE this is the connection!

If I do have it out (and that is certainly what I'm going to ask to have done!) are there any post-ovary or ovarian cyst removal issues to deal with? Do your hormones change? Other than the surgery, are there any side effects of sorts?


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Thank you to everyone who replied. You all made me feel so much better. I had really sent myself down a wormhole after surfing the internet on COC's.

KayJay - thank you for the saline tip. I'm also glad you managed surgery OK. I am definitely worried about that. Firewatcher - I'm going to take your mom's advice and get the thing out ASAP. BellaMia - it sounds like you're really having a rough time - I'm so so sorry to hear that! And Janie - yeah - you're probably right! I have been feeling lousy since Springtime. I'm SURE this is the connection!

If I do have it out (and that is certainly what I'm going to ask to have done!) are there any post-ovary or ovarian cyst removal issues to deal with? Do your hormones change? Other than the surgery, are there any side effects of sorts?


"IF" they take the ovaries, go on hormone replacement! Don't go cold turkey! Lack of hormones will send you into a HUGE POTS-hole! If you are old enough (I didn't look) then start them and taper down to off, don't just quit!!!! It's rough for "normal" women, it could really mess you up. The female brain NEEDS estrogen to work properly! The internet is an amazing place, but it can scare the heck out of you if you read too much. I stick to medical sites for my info, they are scary enough! :angry: Be well, and tell us when your surgery is so we can send prayers and good thoughts your way! It is a medical fact (yes, they actually studied this) that people who were "prayed for" during and after a procedure had a better outcome and faster recovery (gotta love medical science :) )

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the tip!

Crazy-upon-craziness. Turns out I actually passed the cyst. I was in so much pain I ended up in the ER and they did another ultrasound and couldn't find the cyst at all. Complex cysts almost always need surgical removal and none of my doctors can tell me what happened. It was NOT a simple cyst that usually just resorbs. So everyone is a bit confused. The uterine polyp is still there and requires removal (it's big) so I go in for day surgery on 10/9. I've had a full conversation with the surgeon about my issues with mitochondrial disorder and dysautonomia so he's up on my situation. He also spoke with my mito expert regarding what should and should not be done during surgery. I have a pre-op appt tomorrow and I'm going to see if I can use an acupuncturist instead of anesthesia and pain meds. My insurance covers it but I'm not sure if the hospital has an acupuncturist on staff. Also, I'm going to see a hypnotherapist prior to the operation to try and access my ANS and calm it down prior to surgery. I should only need to go 1/2 under and the entire operation (if all goes well) should only take 30 minutes. Still - I am quite worried. I hope all goes well.

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Waterbaby.. that sounds like some good news... I will continue to pray.. please keep us updated. I am sure that they will be really careful with you knowing your situation ( we at least know they won't want a law suit) BAD JOKE. Anyway- still thinking of you an will put you on my calendar for 10/9! Kay jay

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It is a medical fact (yes, they actually studied this) that people who were "prayed for" during and after a procedure had a better outcome and faster recovery (gotta love medical science :) )

THEIR IS POWER IN PRAYER!!! LET'S ALL KEEP IT UP FOR ALL OF US, YOU ARE SO RIGHT FIREWATCHER. Yes it sounds like good new waterbaby. I also love your name waterbaby, make me think of the days when I taught waterbabies swim lessons to moms and babies. those were the day!!! I was always in some kind of water my whole life..Right from the very start!

I love the ocean!!!!! this year the Doctor said NOT To go in the sun!!!!


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