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Whooshing In Ears/pressure

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does anyone else experience a very loud whooshing in the ears with a lot of pressure in the ears, neck and head? i find it is much worse when i turn my neck to the side, and it is relieved when i straighten it. and it doesn't happen all the time. it is MUCH worse when barometric pressure is low and humidity is high.

i had a head and neck CT scan, over a year and a half ago, but they were normal.

anyone else? this symptom is intense!

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Have you checked your blood pressure when this is going on? Is it continuous if you turn your head, or only happen some days?

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my blood pressure is always normal.

it only happens somedays now, but when it is humid and/or cloudy, it is 100% certain it will happen all day, everyday that the weather is like that. i had to move from the east to west coast purely because of this symptom.

i was also told i have tinnitus, but i have such EXTREME pressure in my head, ears and neck that it is not JUST tinnitus. sure, i hear the whooshing, but the sensations are so much worse.

i recently saw the eye doctor who said i had no papilledema. because of this, and the fact that i never have a headache, just the insane pressure, i don't think i have intracranial hypertension either.

i describe the feeling as though my blood has turned into tar, and it's built up in all my arteries and veins and it's pumping so hard to just get through.

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I must say that my BP is rarely normal, but I also suffer from tinnitus and the whooshing you're describing. I don't have it nearly as badly as you, however. It feels like I'm 'hyper-aware' and occurs most often when I'm lying down or in certain positions. I hope you find something that helps, and please, let the rest of us know.



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I have thought about seeing an ENT, though I think my problems are more vascular. It is really interesting to me that here in California, this symptom is SIGNIFICANTLY less than when I was living in the humid/low pressure environment of Maryland. Now, I can at least bear it. In Maryland, it was so bad, I honestly came to terms with the fact that I would have rather ended it all than continue to live with that kind of constant pressure.

The intensity of this symptom makes me doubt something like sinuses. Though, I do have a deviated septum and have had sinus problems in the past, but again, I've just never experienced anything even remotely like this. A pressure headache from sinuses, sure, have had them. This isn't even comparable. I did see an ENT when I initially became sick because of all my swollen cervical lymph nodes, and he did do a CT of my neck. Said my sinuses looked fine. However, this was before this symptom started; in fact, quite awhile before.

I have thought about problems with my inner ear as well, but again, I'm just not sure it adds up. The pressure usually originates in my neck and head first, then comes the whooshing, then comes the building up of pressure in my ear. And then it will last for what seems like forever.

I just have no idea what to do about this symptom. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions. I think an ENT might be the next best stop, especially because the neuro was pretty much worthless.

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