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Small Bowel Twisted!

Guest tearose

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Guest tearose

Hello family,

Sorry to not have shared my pains beforehand but I thought I was just having gastroparesis pains!

I got really bad abdominal pain and vomiting then abdomen distention and I really tried to manage it myself.

After trying that from 9:30pm till about 4:30 am I knew I was in trouble when I started puking bile (and my gallbladder was already taken out 10 years ago) and I was rolling on the floor or wherever I was in pain.

My doctor said at 6:30 to go to the ER.

I had a ct scan that showed an obstruction which now seems to have been a little "clog caught in a little twist" whatever... The **** of a NG tube is now also added to my list of horrible medical experiences BUT it was necessary because I was not even able to hold down a teaspoon of liquid without puking and pain.

This is the first time I have been able to feel human...It took three days. My son made me laugh. He said he thinks untwisting a colon in three days is amazing and it took "alot of guts". I am sorry to say I will miss his graduation from college saturday because I know even if I get home, a three hour one way (six round trip plus the events) car trip is not smart for me. Meaning someone of us who is more compromised. Am I making sense? Please reassure me I am not being overcautios. I just want my dysautonomia and colon to calm down and give me confidence.

Anyway, I am glad I found this computer in the lounge. Now it is time to venture back to my room.

Be well friends and I will post when I get home.

Thank you for all your well wishes on the thread my husband posted.

Best regards and love,


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Oh man tea, not fun!!!!

I'm glad you are doing better and I would not make the trip either. Don't beat yourself up over something you have no control over. Even "normal people" take awhile to recover from this. I'm thankful it didn't rquire surgery.

They found that Jake has "natural" twist in his colon and he's had a couple of times where I'm pretty sure it's obstructed for a short time. It's horrible. Feel better soon and congrats on your son's graduation! morgan

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Oh tea darling, that really hurts. I'll pray for quick relief and and a fast recovery.

I hope this story will make you laugh a little next time you get on line. Out of the mouth of babes. I spent a good part of last summer with that #%@**%##@** pain. Reason being the drug store gave the the wrong amount of mestinon 3 times a day for a month. I went to visit my family and my belly had swelled up so big and had been hurting really bad. My almost 3 year old granddaughter took one look at my belly and ran out of the room yelling, "no, no, no, I love you too much much go home, I hate it, go home, this can't happen to you !"

Needless to say, I didn't have to ask, " do you think I look pregnant?" to my daughter.

I knew enough about my little girl to know she really didn't want me to drive all the way back home. Besides, I was about to pass out on the floor any sec. So, after I found her hiding in her bedroom still shouting, "go home I love you too much." I figured it out and and we had a little talk. She thought I was having a baby and replacing my favorite little girl with a new baby. She often called me mommie, we were that close. I would lay on the floor and play with her at her level whenever I could visit. I'm just a big kid at heart and used to teach little kids, and her birth brought me back to life again.

Now I had some relationship repair to do as she really believed in her little almost 3 year old mind that I was having a baby. So I had to show her my big belly and her mom had just had a new baby brother for her. She hugged my belly and kissed it and we giggled, as my daughter rolled her eyes and laughed. That was the only way she would calm down. I made sure she understood there was no baby in there. I had my camera and my daughter snapped a pic of the two of us standing as I also wanted to send a pic of how big my belly had gotten in such a short time to the doctor.

I laugh now as I look back and she's hugging me in my dress and I look like I'm ready to deliver. Never got to send the pic ended. I up in the hospital instead with a near bowel obstruction and that pain was terrible. I thought that swollen belly would never go away, but it did. "The way the air was moving in there I swore I felt a few kicks. LOL! Then when the x-ray tech asked could you be pregnant, I have to just ask? I was in so much pain, but IWROTFLOL!

I hope that made you laugh. I just did reliving it as it reminded me of: this too shall pass. Sending healing energy your way. :)

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Yee gads!! NOT FUN. glad things are straightening out :)

I am sorry you are missing the graduation but have somebody take pictures or a Flip Camera for you.

not the same I know but I would not go either. No way.

Sometimes we can push but often we can NOT.

This is a real "Not" for you right now. (Pun intended...knot, not, get it? OK, sometimes I just amuse myself) :P

Thoughts and prayers to youl

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This is a twisted path indeed that we tread. It is so good to hear you are ambulatory and in less pain than before.

And no you are not being overly cautious. Have everyone take lots of photos of the graduation ... send them to me, and I'll photoshop you into them! In a few years time no one will remember that you weren't there. Yes, I'm THAT GOOD with photoshop ;-)

Giggles your way,


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quick off topic digression

Earth mother:

I wish you lived near me, I have such difficulty learning LAYERS in photos shop..still using 2.0 and books do not help me.

Indeed, Tearose, if somebody can photo chop you into things, do that. A good savvy person can make the photos look genuine:)

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I had a small bowel obstruction on Election day. Sadly I required a very long surgery. I am so glad that you were able to poo poo that.!! BTW I suggest you ask your doc if they expect that this may happen again. I have had 2 more, But they cannot do more surgery because of adhesions. I must wait it out and then blow it out!!!!!!!!!! My house qualifies as a toxic waste dump......

As for your son's graduation. Perhaps someone could video it and the two of you could sit and watch it together. Congratulations on your son graduation. It does make us smile doesn't it.

Peace... Miriam

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Tea, still shooting up prayers for you. I'm in a brain fog right now from trying to work in the graden. Wasn't sure where you're son was graduating from. If it was from a local high school, as around were I'm from the local cable stations broadcasts them. Just a thought.....

Maybe you could do something special and write some memories of other graduations down for him while you're not able to be there and let him know just how much he's grown into the man he is today. Memories last forever in the mind and are a gift when we share them in writing. Often we never have the time to write things down and time passes and we forget precious moments. My kids and grand kids love when I write all about them and a special day or and an event. IF YOU ARE TOO TIRED, maybe someone else could write while you talk.

My 4 year old little one says, "are you. "berealling" me nannie?" I chuckle at her made up language and expressions. Priceless...... Often busy moms don't have the time to write these things down, a grandparent or mom when on bed rest can catch up on writing these special memeries down.

Try to turn this around into something positive as hard as it may be right now. For some reason you just were not meant to be there. Some things we have no control of, but can do other things to make the day more pleasant. It will be teaching your family a life lesson that one day become a family tradition for events like this. No one likes to see their mom sad or sick.

I'll keep checking back in on you.


BellaMia :o

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That sounds like quite an experience, and I'm very relieved for you that your twisted bowel became untwisted.

I know this can be a very serious problem, and complications can happen.

EarthMother, that was so nice of you to offer that to Tearose.

I was getting ready to put my feet up for the night, but wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Sending healing wishes, and prayers your way.


Maxine :0)

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