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Weak Legs And Mood Swings?

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I often have terrible mood swings, especially during a crash.

For example, sometimes I exercise too hard - I might run 30 minutes on a treadmill or do a full lower body workout on lifting machines. That's a setup for a crash. Immediately afterwards though, I'm feeling really good, so I might decide to go to the grocery store and pick up something I need to make dinner. So, while I'm walking the aisles my BP is falling, and I start to become indecisive 'do I really want eggs and mushrooms for dinner? Maybe I should buy some sausage....oh, and I need tuna fish while I'm here... no I guess I don't... well, I might as well...no I have a rule that I go straight home after exercising and I'm already breaking it... but I'm ALREADY here, so why don't I get the tuna?" I go back and forth between options, zig-zagging haphazardly around the store, sometimes turning around and heading in one direction, then turning around seconds later as I change my mind. Eventually I reach the checkout aisle, and (inevitably) there is a huge line. I stop and stand still and my heart rate slows. Suddenly, my legs start hurting, I feel weak, and I can't @(I@$( believe I'm stuck in this line. Within a few minutes I want to start screaming and kicking at the people in front of me because I feel so angry with them for being in line ahead of me. I tell myself that this is totally irrational to feel this way, and then I feel angry with myself for being so labile. One way or another, I'm irrationally angry at SOMEBODY. Then I go home feeling exhausted, but within minutes of sitting down I feel fine again.

Is that anything like what your mood swings are like?

Well Most times I start in a good mood...but if i stand alot or have to do alot of stuff i get really short tempered, so ...
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OMG green! You made me laugh so hard! I sent your post to my mom. She was with me during a particularly bad hypoglycemic episode where I hammered on the hood of an old ladies car for cutting my mom off while we were walking across an alley. Think 'I'm walking here!'

So bad and mortifying to my mom who simply smiled and waved at the lady and said to me (while grabbing me by the elbow) 'We need to get you food. Now!'

If it weren't so tragic - some of this stuff would be pretty funny! Thanks again for a great laugh!

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I've been reading other posts for months, but to chicken and inexperienced to post myself. Also I'm a hunt and peck typist. But this post describes how I am in stores or other loud and busy environments. I am so glad for this forum, and other websites that explain dysautonomia. It definitely helps to know that it is not "all in your head", and that there are others going through similar health problems. :o

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