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Small Vessel Brain Disease


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Hi all, I was DX with having Small Vessel Brain Disease yesterday. I was initally told I had had a Stroke. My GP said this had nothing to do with having POTS but I just wondered if anyone had any knowledge other then what is listed on the Internet. I have an appointment with my Cardiologist in 3 weeks so I am hoping she can help me understand this condition and how it progresses. One of the problems with this disease is you can't have high blood pressure but I am on Fludrocortizone to keep my blood pressure up !!!!! I feel like I have come 10 steps forward and twenty steps back. Think I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself - tomorrow's another day and as soon as I have digested this DX I will deal with it. It really helps being able to post on the forum and say exactly how I am feeling, which to be honest I'm scared.... So any info will be much appreciated.

Take care all

Love Liz B xx

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Hi Liz,

I'm so sorry you got this news. I am sure you are scared. I know I would be. And if your feeling sorry for yourself, then you have every right to. I know I have felt sorry for myself for much less. I don't know anything about this disease, so I can't offer any advice, but I wanted to say I'm sorry for what you are going through. You will be in Me and my families prayers, for answers and comfort.

I do wonder if maybe the reason you have the low blood pressure is because of the small blood vessels. (but this is just my thinking. I am no doctor.) Please take care, and keep us posted. If you want to talk to someone feel free to PM me.

Healing Hugs


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So Liz, did they tell you what was causing your small blood vessels in your brain to obstruct? Do you have high cholesterol or any other signs or arteriosclerosis? Plaque lining your small arteries is the most common cause of small vessel disease, but anything that obstructs your small vessels can be a cause including aneurysms or abnormal constricting or dilating of your arterial walls. If you know what's causing the small vessel disease then you can treat it. If you have too much plaque lining your arteries that calls for a certain type of treatment. If you have too much dilating or constricting of your small vessels then the treatment is totally different. I know that since I've developed POTS, I have overconstriction or overdilation of my blood vessels.

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