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Ortho Evra

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I started on ortho evra the patch about three weeks ago, mostly for my endometriosis and for acne issues. about a week into starting it, i have had severe tremor, shortness of breath, and feel my heart pounding - not racing, just pounding.

I thought that a lot of docs prescribe POTS/OI patient's birth control as many pots flare ups are worse around monthly cycle. ..... ??? I feel like this med has made my pots worse!

Any thoughts? Experiences?

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Guest brianala

I have never been able to tolerate any kind of hormonal birth control. I'd been on it in some form for around 13 years, starting when I was in high school. Over the years I took a break from it and I realized how amazing I felt without it. But, I was scared and rather ignorant of other forms of birth control, so I kept with it.

Last year I'd had enough and told my fiance (now husband) that I just wasn't going to deal with it so I quit. We used condoms while I researched IUDs more earnestly. I can't tell you how much getting off hormonal birth control helped so many things, from my mood to my sex drive, and migraines, and a lot of the other neurological symptoms I'd been having. After a lot of research and consideration I got a Paragard IUD last summer and I'm immensely happy with it. Paragard is a copper IUD with no hormones at all. I love it, but it does have its down side. Your period tends to go back to what it was before you were on hormones, and it can sometimes be a little heavier. Also, if you had problems with acne before, you'll probably have those problems again.

This was all before I knew anything about dysautnomia, but it makes sense to me that I would feel better getting off of the synthetic hormones. Especially if you have migraine with aura, it increases your risk of stroke by a considerable amount. They also tell you not to smoke when you're on the pill, ring, because it affects your heart. So, it would make sense that if the synthetic hormones are messing with your cardiovascular system, you'll probably do better without them. Just something to think about.

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Ortho Evra is known to be pretty strong.

I take NuvaRing, but before that I had a lot of trouble with various types of BCPs. I tried Seasonique, OrthoTriCycline and a lot of others I can't remember. Make sure you contact your Gyno soon, but your Gyno may just say you have to wait it out. That might be what you need to do, if you can, however it sounds like you can't. Take your blood pressure and see what it is doing. BCPs can raise your blood pressure. The nuvaring has done that for me, and it's helpful.


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