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Pots And Allergies


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For those of you with allergies: do you find that your allergies make your POTS symptoms worse? Is controlling your allergies critical to your POTS episodes?

A year ago, I had to put down my 16 year old dog. I miss having a pet, they are so comforting. But alas, I am also highly allergic to pets and dander! I have attempted allergy shots for over six months and cannot get past the first initial dose without a reaction (I have an epi-pen for my allergy shots!) My son, who IS anaphylactic to milk, has gotten up to his maintenance dose without a reaction and is asking for a puppy (I think I want one worse than he does.)

Fish aren't too cuddly and I would kill anything cold-blooded that I touched (my hands are that cold, not that I don't like reptiles :) )

Do any of you have experience with this? Advice?

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Have you tried a hypoallergenic dog? Poodles, Bichons, and a few other breeds are okay for some people with allergies.

I don't have any personal experience, but my husband has allergies. Certain breeds definitely cause more of a reaction than others. One day we'd like to get a dog, but we will have to get a hypoallergenic one.

Here is a little bit of information for about "hypoallergenic" dogs.

"Hypoallergenic dog breeds can be a great option for some dog lovers who suffer from allergies. No dog is 100% non-allergenic, but some dogs are basically "low-allergy." Though they shed little to no hair and less dander than typical dogs, all dogs will shed some dander - even hairless dogs. Generally, dogs without hair or with continuously growing hair tend to be the most hypoallergenic. However, some of these dogs will need to be kept on a strict grooming schedule. Please note that some people are actually allergic to dog saliva. Unfortunately, there are no specific breeds with 'hypoallergenic saliva.' " http://dogs.about.com/od/dogbreeds/qt/hypoallergenic.htm


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I certainly do find a correlation between my allergy symptoms and my POTS symptoms. I would also love to have a pet (have never had one) but on recent allergy testing reacted to both cat and dog. I have been advised never to get a pet. I saw an advert recently for a product that you can spray onto cats and dogs to reduce the allergenic stuff released from their coats that apparently doesn't harm/distress the pet (unlike trying to put a cat in the bath every week!).

One rule is to never let pets go into the bedrooms so that you can escape to a dander free room at night. I guess investing in a good quality vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter would help too (I use one to try to keep the pollen and dust levels in my flat as low as possible).

It is difficult when your brain says one thing but your heart says another!


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Everyone has suggested I try a poodle, but from what I understand, this may be better, but I may still react. and it would break my heart to have to give up a pet. I stupidly got a rabbit in grad school, and lo and behold became VERY allergic. Ricky the rabbit had to go live elsewhere.

I seem to react to all mammals but humans! Even going to the zoo can set me off!

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I hate to admit it, but my POTS has been better since the dog went to heaven. :)

I can't even wear wool or cashmere, I get hives! Alas, I am very allergic to animal saliva, I blossom into teacup sized hives and my eyes swell shut.

I never used to be allergic to animals (I used to sleep with a husky and 4 cats.) Then my ex got demon-spawn cat from h&!! That cat truly hated me: it would attack me every chance it got, then once we got it declawed, it would "hug" my leg or arm and try to bite me! I got sooooo sick from that creature and ever since I have been allergic to animals.

Fish just don't have those soft brown eyes that are just happy to see you.

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I think I really have to keep my allergies under control - I take Allegra daily (and may switch to Zyrtec in the Spring/Fall seasons, I'll see how it goes).

I also take Nasacort during the worst allergy times of the year.

I have a cat - my old allergist said I could have 'immunity' to him...he doesn't cause hives, watery eyes, etc. I'm fairly lucky in that as I love cats. Other cats make me flare up a bit, though, so this cat is it for me I guess. Not gonna rock the boat.

Dust Mites are my nemesis. I try to keep it dusted. My spouse tries to keep it vacuumed. I am supposed to wash my bedding every two weeks and I try...sometimes it's three and I really start to notice. But dragging it all to the basement is a pain and I'm usually exhausted from work!

I do what I can, but do think I feel worse without having my allergies somewhat under control.

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Perhaps a bird? Especially if you aren't allergic to feathers? They're wicked smart and can talk and learn tricks. (And are soft to pet)

Have two birds. Had a poodle. Never had a problem with either. I test 2+ for dogs and 3+ for cats. 0 for birds. (My allergist used a score of 0 to 4, 0 = no reaction, 4 = massive reaction) I'm apparently also allergic to the pollen from most green plants. (Like to say I'm allergic to anything green, but my mother still insists I eat my veggies)

I react to angora severely ( I can tell if a sweater has angora in it by looking to see if my hand turns red and starts itching after I touch it )

When I'm having a reaction, my POTS goes crazy.


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