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Guess I May Be On My Way To Johns Hopkins


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Hi, everyone,

Well, I guess Johns Hopkins has a bed with my name on it. I may be going tomorrow. There are some details to iron out, but it looks like the allergy department has accepted me. I will be honest and say I'm very scared: about the trip there, about the idea that I have something so hard to find that I need to go there, that they won't find anything, that they will find something and what that something will be...you know, all the normal fears, I guess.

Got my new doctor here at the hospital today, and she was great. She actually cares if I can eat or not. My nutritionist here has been phenominal. I'm just wondering what to expect at Johns Hopkins. For all of you who have been there, how was your experience? I know I'll be on an allergy floor, which is probably different from the neurology area, but as a whole, did you have a good experience? I'm so dreading starting over again. And, me and teaching hospitals just don't go well together anymore. I've been sick too long to have the patience, I guess.

And, I'm pretty depressed that it's almost Christmas and I'll be states away.

Hope this finds all of you doing well, and a special hello to our members and moderators who are in the hospitals, as well.

Hugs to all,


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I hope that everything goes well for you, LindaJoy. I hope that the doctors and nurses are all kind, helpful, and willing to work hard to find out what is going on in your body. Johns Hopkins is a good hospital. Hopefully this will be the breakthrough that you need.

I was at Johns Hopkins once, but it was 10 years ago. I had a good experience. Everyone was kind, knowledgeable, professional, and helpful.

Take care,


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Hi Linda Joy-

Best of luck to you. My son spent some time at Johns Hopkins. The folks there Dxed him with something no one else could figure out: NMH that caused small bowel dysmotility. I do recall that the food brought to the patients was particularly awful- warning! BUT, your diet is so limited.....it is what it is. I have nothing but wonderful things to say about the GI motility specialist and my son's pediatrician/ANS specialist, Dr. Peter Rowe.

That being said, Johns Hopkins to my knowledge, does not have a masto specialist. Unless there's someone new that I haven't heard about. No one on the masto board is treated there. I know you're trying to figure out exactly WHAT is going on...I will have all of my fingers and toes crossed for you. If you get well enough to explore Baltimore, be sure to check out the harbor. It's gorgeous.

Big Hugs-


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Good luck - I'll be thinking of you. I hope that it all goes smoothly. And I totally understand your issue with teaching hospitals - I am the same way. No patience! Anyway, hopefully you'll have a great experience. Keep us posted.

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Good luck at Hopkins. It is a shame that I will be travelling down to Florida at the time you go to Hopkins. Otherwise, I would visit with you if you were so inclined for company.

My only caution is that your family who accompany you exercise caution while walking outside the campus. It can be a rough area although security is pretty good!

Hope that your condition can better be diagnosed and treated at Hopkins!


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