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Motion Sickness


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Hi All!

Sorry to start two threads in a row but they are very different questions.

I get motion sick extremely easily and I've wondered if it's related to POTS. I wonder this because one thing that really helps (besides taking dramamine or bonine) is eating a lot of salt (like even more than usual). So I wondered if motion sickness could be somehow related to poor salt retention, and ANS in general.

Anyone know?



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I don't get migraines but boyyyyy do I get car-sick and train-sick, and even walking-sick. I feel pretty pathetic. I've never been on a boat, I bet you I get boat sick too. I have never heard of anyone getting motion sickness on the light-rail public transportation here in the Bay area (BART), but I get sick every time I ride it. I can't drive, so it kinda *****.

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I never had motion sickness before getting POTS so I believe the two are connected. Long car trips, train rides, etc. make me queasy now. I went away on a little vacation last weekend (first time since being dx?d 2 years ago) and thought I?d go sailing. Big mistake. I was actually getting sick on the floating dock prior to getting on the boat. Downed some water, salt, bonine and it barely took the edge off. Sick for the whole day/evening. Guess that?s one more thing I won?t be doing for awhile. Urrggghhhh!!!

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I get motion sick riding light-rail too!! Even when I'm careful to sit facing forward. I even make myself motion sick when I'm driving my own car, which is supposed to be impossible.

I do find that ginger helps, but pickled ginger usually makes me feel worse. Ginger altoids often help me.

I don't get migraines, but they do run in my family. Perhaps there's some connection there and I got only half of the migraine/motion sickness gene.


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I have always been crippled with motion sickness from the age of two. I can't even play video games...my former patients used to think it was hilarious and would always challenge me to a game knowing they could beat the pants of me!!

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yup have always had mption/car sickness.. I was the kid who puked on everybody during car rides....LOL..ewww.. Uhm i still get very car sick...

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I too am pretty motion sensitive. I don't tend to vomit, but more of a naseous and dizzy reaction from the movement. I have never been good with swings, amusement park rides, video games etc. If I am in control of the movement and can adjust as needed I tend to do better. I don't often have issues with cars, buses, etc. Also, I think I have had issues on a boat before, but it has been a while. But, I can relate to be motion sensitive. Sometimes I think it is just to much sensory input, and also that HR and BP can tend to have a hard time adjusting to the movement and/or the overall situation. I tend to just avoid the things that trigger this response. It isn't always possible though... :(

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Swings, oh no swings! I used to LOVE swinging as a child, but when all this started I took my boys to the playground and I got on a swing...I'm surprised that I did not throw up and pass out. I guess it was the negative pressure pulling the blood out of my head, but it was awful! I used to like roller coasters too, same thing.

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I am very sensitive to motion as well. I sure know, thats it started after developing POTS about 10 years ago. Before that, i used to go Bungee jumping, I loved amusement parks and did all kind of stuff. Now, even turning around quick or sitting in the back seat of the car makes me motion sick. Going on an elevater or if i go too quick on my office chair with weels on makes me really dizzy.

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I'm another one with motion sickness. It started about the same time I was diagnosed with the Epstein Barr Virus, some 14 years ago. However, I only started suffering from POTS 3 months ago due, I believe, to a severe sunburn. Logically, they are all related, but as we know, this is an illogical illness.

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