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Hi everyone!!

I am wondering does anyone else have this. When Sue sleeps she will be very still, actually at times I have believed that she has passed on. (not a very good feeling) but lately in her sleep she has this full body jerking.. Does anyone else experience this?? She usually does this three or four times a night and does not wake up???

Thanks for your help

Sues hubby

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My husband doesn't have POTS and he does both things you describe--sleeps so soundly and breathes so quietly I too get scared ... and he also sometimes suddenly jerks (which doesn't awaken him, but will awaken ME!)

Is she waking you up--or are you sleeping less soundly yourself because you're quite naturally and wonderfully worried about her? I wonder if this is new (a side effect from a new medication maybe?) or whether you're only just now noticing?

My personal opinion is that it's not something to worry about... but as with anything, if you're concerned, check with her doctor (or ask yours)!

Take care,


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Restless legs is different from jerking. They are both due to chemical imbalances, though.

The jerking can supposedly be helped by melatonin. My husband refuses to try it, unfortunately. This has been going on for about a year now. Sometimes his arms or legs jerk so strongly that I'm afraid he's going to wind up unknowingly giving me a black eye!

I struggle with restless legs, and I had read a long time ago about the way to deal with it. But I can't remember now what the information was, as I wasn't having trouble with it at the time I found it.

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I've had the full body muscle spasms/jerking, but I do wake up with them about half the time they happen. My hubby says it happens about 10 times a nite. I was never bugged by it to much to pay attention, it doesn't hurt like some of my twitching/muscle spasms.

PS I tryed quinine once, and only once. The reaction was to horrible to relate.Let's just say 4 days in the hospital.

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I took Quinine for daytime muscle cramps in my legs and it seemed to be beneficial for awhile.


Nocturnal Myoclonus

Periodic involuntary leg movements or jerking motions during sleep may cause a lighter, less restful sleep.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Involuntary, periodic nocturnal leg movements disrupt sleep and cause leg discomfort once you awaken.

Sleep Apnea

Apnea sufferers stop breathing for 10 to 60 seconds or longer and often awake with a loud snort or jerking motion when they gasp for air, resulting in disruptions to sleep several times during the night and contributing to increased fatigue and sleepiness during the day.

Repetitive violent jerking can arise from sleep-related seizures.

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My boyfriend does this a LOT...and I'm the one with POTS ;) He also sleepwalks and talks to me in his sleep, so I don't know what that means! I think it's great though that you are so concerned for Sue and her well being :)

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Just thought I'd put my two cents in before I head to bed. My husband tells me I do this also, actually it happens as I am falling asleep sometimes too. I kinda feel like there is too much energy and it has to be released. Very strange feeling. I sleep like a rock sometimes and wake up feeling like I spent the whole night doing whatever I dreamt about. It's frustrating to think that I already did all my errands only to wake up and find out I am exhausted and haven't done anything yet. :) Oh well, good night and God bless you.


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