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Basal Body Temperature (ladies Only)

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Okay- Not sure how many on this board will have any idea what I'm talking about, but here I go...

I'm trying to chart my fertility because I'm paranoid about getting pregnant and I can't go on Birth Control (tried a whole bunch and got a plethora of adverse reactions - also having a clotting disorder is NOT a good idea with the pill). We use protection anyway, but I want to be doubly or triply sure.

Apparently your BBT is supposed to follow a bicyclic cycle, with low temps on the first part of your period and higher temps after you ovulate (.5 of a degree change). Mine doesn't change. I have regular periods and PMS and such, so I'm pretty sure everything is working as it should.

Wondering if anyone has ever tried charting their basal body temp and found it was weird or off or something. I think the POTS might be affecting my temperatures (if the autonomic nervous system controls temp and ours is off, would the temps be off as well???) Does that make sense? Has happened to anyone else?


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I always am charting my cycle! I chart my symptoms in an attempt to further figure out my body. Its crazy to see the correlation of symptoms that arise (or don't arise) at certain points in the month. If you haven't already, give it a try. You can kill two birds w/ one stone tracking both fertility and maybe finding out new things about your hormones in connection to POTS.

My temp is always slightly lower, usually 97.5...Around ovulation I notice my temp goes up, feels like I'm running a low grade fever actually! When I feel like this my temperature is actually "normal" at around 98.6 degrees, lasts for about half a day. I guess I lucked out in the sense that I can always tell exactly when I'm ovulating (not just based on temp, other factors too.) I should mention that my temp only goes up during ovulation and back down for the rest of the cycle.

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I did this when attempting to get pregnant. I had a definite change in BBT in my cycle. You do need to be careful to take the temp immediately on waking b/c even a small amount of moving around will alter your temp. Also--you are using a BBT thermometer? A standard thermometer will not be sensitive enough to pick up these detectable but small changes in temp.

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Definitely not too much information! ;)

It's interesting to hear other folks' experience with this. I have never done it myself, but I taught about it a lot!

You are definitely being smart to use this as a back-up b/c when done correctly it is actually very effective...now if we can jsut figure out why you aren't getting the cyclic temps you are looking for right?

Do you have a good OB/GYN who might shed light on this? I'm glad other folks had some input for you!

Ah, yes, our bodies...we love them! LOL.


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I BBT as well. We are trying for a baby right now. My normal temp is usually 97-97.5 as well. A couple days before ovulation I begin to rise,then drop back down and rise slightly the day I ovulate. Then I stay there till a day or two before my cycle starts where I drop back down.

If BBT is not peaking you may not be ovulating. I would go over your chart with OB. They could tell you if you are ovulating or not. You can still have a normal cycle and not ovulate.

Also, the most accurate way to chart is when you first wake up and don't lift your head or move in bed. I wake up reach over for the thermometer and check. Now this may be tmi, but the most accurate way to check is vaginally. Your mouth can vary as well as armipt checks. My OB says to do an internal BBT.

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Always do this first thing in the morning- orally with a Basal Body Thermometer. I guess I'll do this for another cycle and if there's still no change go bother my OB/GYN. Don't really want to bother her though because if I'm not ovulating, there's really no need to change that now - and doctor's love to change things if they're not "normal".

One other thing - If I normalize my BBTs to one specific time (+/- 0.1 for every half hour early or late) there is no change whatsoever - it's at 97.6 at 7:15AM. Strangeness.


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I just wanted to chime in and say that I've just started checking my BBT and they seem to be all over the place. I think I need to do it for longer before I can declare this but I've been wondering if my POTS affects this or not as well.

Take care,


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