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  • The Member Stories section of our site is a place where members can submit the stories of their experiences as a person living with dysautonomia.  We also link to member stories that have appeared in our newsletter.  Please note that Member Stories are not edited by DINET and the views and beliefs expressed in the articles are strictly the views of the member.   Please note that the stories submitted are reviewed for content and should follow the guidelines of the site.  We do our best to publish each story submitted,  but publication is at DINET's discretion. If you would like to submit your story, please write to webmaster@dinet.org - include "member story" in the subject line. 

Featured Member: Ruth Easter


DINET member name:  LotsofLoveByRuthRuthEaster_profilePic.jpg.401dc93bd8dfa5347fe900724bb51a50.jpg
Ruth's hometown:  St. Louis, Missouri
Diagnosis:  POTS, CFS
Website:  www.etsy.com/shop/indiangirl4him

In Ruth's words...

I  was officially diagnosed with POTS, as well as Chronic Fatigue Disorder in April 2015. Before my diagnosis, I was constantly on the go and having to dependRuthEaster_soap.thumb.jpg.c68460393b4474d47d42195fdd65f172.jpg on others for leaving the house has been frustrating.  My psychiatrist suggested I find a craft or hobby to make me feel like I’m contributing something to the world, so I started making natural products and selling them in February of 2017.

Before POTS, I didn’t take any medicine.  Then the doctors started overloading me with prescriptions and it was very rough onRuthEaster_jewelry.thumb.jpg.5181bd7824d09babba75afe5e3713b74.jpg my body.  By using and selling Young Living essential oils and toxin-free products, my quality of life has been improving a bit.  I’ve always been interested in homeopathic remedies and this makes me feel like there’s a tiny part of my life that I have control over. I sell soaps and lip balms, plus I make jewelry now too and whatever else comes to mind.  It gives me so much pride and a sense of independence.  And the little bit of cash it brings in is a big help too.  

RuthEaster_soaps2.thumb.jpeg.acc8d3d65c9ba779ac20afff7daf020d.jpegI love to sing, read and talk to people.  I live with my fiance but he works two jobs to cover our living expenses because I’m not working and still struggling to get disability benefits approved.  I used to have a caregiver during the hours that my fiancee was at work.  But since Medicaid reduced the caregiver hours, I am on my own now when he’s at work. I’m a very social person so being at home by myself so much is difficult for me.  I battle depression so I try to keep myself occupied when I’m alone.  My work with homeopathic remedies helps with this quite a bit.  And I am so grateful to friends, family, and church for being so supportive.  My faith gets me through and I try to focus on the positive.  I am especially grateful to my fiancee who sacrifices so much to help me care for myself.

Edited by edriscoll

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