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Survey Sundays - Responses from Facebook April 2018


Every Sunday on DINET's Facebook page, our Social Media Coordinator, Lauren Mlack asks DINET followers questions about living with dysautonomia and chronic illness. Here are highlights from some of the surveys.  Find out how your answers compare to the rest of the community.

"Do compression stockings/tights help your symptoms?"
56% yes, 44% no

"How did you find out about DINET?"
11% friends and family, 89% through research online

“How many of you are dysautonomia fighters and how many are dysautonomia caretakers?”
84% fighters, 16% caretakers

"While trying to find a diagnosis, were you told at some point by a medical professional that it was just anxiety causing your symptoms?"
89% yes, 11% no    

"For those of you who have POTS, do you also have syncope (passing out) or near syncope (the feeling like you are about to pass out but usually don't)?"
71% report near syncope to 29% experiencing syncope

"Do you experience brain fog?"  
98% answered “yes”, 2% no

"Do you have temperature sensitivity? (Such as feeling worse or better when it is cold versus warm outside"
95% said “yes, my symptoms change” 5% no

Does a cold/flu hit you harder or last longer while having a chronic illness?"  
94% said “yes!”

To participate in these surveys, check out DINET's Facebook page every Sunday. 

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Edited by edriscoll

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