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Sensation Of Cold Water Running Down Leg

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Ok it's been awhile since I've asked a question and I don't remember this subject being brought up before. These two topics might be unrelated.

Last year at times my heel & foot would feel suddenly hot. Recently, just the past 2-3 months, I get the sensation that cold water is running down the back of my right leg.

Then over the past 2 days I started having muscle spasms in my mid & upper back, a place where I don't normally experience spasm. It's so bad I can't raise my arm or turn my head.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the sensation of warm or cold? Is this related to Dysautonomia or do I have to start thinking MS again?

thx guys

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Just the other day i had been doing alot of traveling in the car, and all of a sudden when i stopped moving my left foot, it felt like hot water was being poured into it, and then it was like a burning sensation. I dont know why it was like this, but it was painful and strange. I will ask my doc about it next thursday (not tomorrow) and i will let you know what i find out. Because even though yours was cold its still simular to a degree.

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The sensation of cold running down the leg can be a symptom of radiculopathy - a.k.a. sciatica. It is not related to dysautonomia or MS.

Though doctorquest may be right, and the cold water sensation is unrelated to dys., I will say that I get those cold water running down my leg sort of sensations too, and it's only been since the onset of POTS.

It's a strange feeling, isn't it? really like ice cubes dripping down your legs - I also notice that with me, when it happens (randomly) touching my legs will set off a new wave of sensations. Like, if I have jeans on and am walking, everytime the hem brushes my ankle I get waves of cold running down my feet.

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Hey Steph!

Had to chime it...

Yes - I get that exact feeling! I told a Neurologist and she seemed uninterested (but then she seems unintereste in anything - looking for a new neurologist...?)


I have, in the past couple yers, have spasms in my mid back - very unexpectedly that can restrict movement for days. One thing that has helped is a sock with two tennis balls and I gently put it between my back and the wall and genly massage the flared spots. I also have a stryofoam roll you can buy from a PT cataloge and I carefully lay on it...

put the end at my tail bone and slowly roll down with my head resting on the roll. Making sure I have relaxed and pulled down my shoulders I place my hands on the ground with palms up. Just resting and tryint to release as I breath out. This helps some during the flares. They also seem to disappear as suddenly as they appeared - though it can take a while.

Just had to let you know...

Love Melanie

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Mary it will be interesting to see what your doc says.

Melanie thx for the suggestions, I hadn't thought of any of those but I especially like the tennis ball idea because we have several here in the house and I can try that right away. I miss talking with you, we should get together soon.

Alinvegas, yeah it's like really cold water running down the same part of my leg everytime.

Doctorguest, thx I will check into the sciatica angle as this isn't unreasonable to think and better than the possibility of MS. :blink:

I went to the doc today and he listened to my problems. He didn't really know what the cold/hot sensation was and suggested a neurologist consult down the line. As for the spasms he said I seem to be prone to them and gave me some medication to help me for the next few days and prescribed PT again. Good thing I like my last therapist, she taught me some good lower body mechanics.

I appreciate everyones help with this. Thx again.


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Geez, I feel like the soles of my feet are on fire all the time, and they turn this weird maroon color. No one seems to have any idea what it is. It's horrid after I shower.

As far as my legs, I get more of a sensation of spiders or a bug are scooting down them. I've been known to rip off a nightgown in 1.1 seconds, thinking a bug was running down my leg. Or legs. So it's not tingling, just spidery...gross...morganthebughater

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Morgan, Do you think that it could be something like RLS, restless leg syndrome? Because if what you explain is like a creepy crawly sensation than that could be a posibilty. I dont know what the heat would be though, but i get weird hot sensations in my left foot that i cant figure out either.

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morgan -

your description of the soles of your feet - in coloration & sensation - sounds similar to what i have at times from neuropathy & blood pooling. i have no wisdom to offer for relief, but thought i'd say "me too".


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lloppyllama, it doesn't really feel like restless leg, my hubby has that. Just a tickly outside the leg on the skin, not like I have to move them around or anything.

I was thinking it might be a neuropathy sunnyfish, and at least I know it's not just me. Thanks. Sure does burn, and thankfully the spidery sensation isn't real often...yikes.

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I get the burning on soles of feet sometimes..and lately this summer, when the house is hot, I have it...And used to be my feet were icy cold and sweaty...now they are vascillating....annoying.

I get the buggy thing on my legs sometimes...

I also used to get, and I havn't gotten it lately, that somebody has put their hand on my leg....that's creepy.

And its not my hand...nor my cats paws! B)

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I've had weird sensations like that with different nerve injuries. When my off-kilter kneecap was pinching something, it felt like I had water running from my inner knee to my ankle. After back surgery (L5-S1), I felt like I was either walking on glass, stepping on a rock, or being stung by a bee on the sole of my foot. Both sensations stopped when the nerve either healed or stop being pinched.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Steph it's me Bren (no I wasn't abducted by aliens)

That happened to just last week. I took Zoe out to dinner. I was wearing sandals and I kept reaching down to wipe the "water drips" off of my feet. It became so annoying that I started to look around for the cause, only to realize there was no cause. I chalked it up to another weird POTS experience. However, my hands and feet have been colder than usual and have been getting numb alot. Last week I didn't want to go swimming because it was so "cold", I was at the pool when I said that (then Jeff told me it was almost 100 F -- oops).


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i have posted about this on another forum. i also have this, it feels to me like blood is running down my legs or arms, wherever it decides to happen. i mean i literally have to look to see if it is blood even though i know it is actually to cold to be blood. don't know why. cannot give answers, can only chime in me too.

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  • 9 years later...

When my POTS got worse 10 years ago, It started off with red toes and then progressed to deep nerve pain from my spine, down my left leg and into my foot. I also developed neuropathic symptoms, which included numbness, burning, cold/freezing, trickling, sharp shooting pains etc. It then worked its way up my body. The discomfort is worse in my limbs, hands and feet. I also get trickling of freezing water effect down my back, head issues and a squeezing corset feeling around my middle. I do not have MS but neuropathy which means pain and inflammation of my nerves. I am on Nortriptyline and Gabapentin to help. I have got used to it over the years and it is painful, but I knock the pain into the background. Having my legs elevated helps, as the nerves are worse when the blood pools. 

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  • 3 years later...

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