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Making sense of Prostaglandin testing


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Okie doke. I don't know if my testing is negative or positive and it is driving me up a wall.

My   Prostaglandin D2 level in 24 hr urine was  4389. The reference range says over 5205 is mastocytosis, but I don't know if I could still qualify as MCAS with something on the higher side, but under 5205.

Other testing was negative or borderline. I was not flaring at the time.

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I always thought tryptase was the gold standard for Mastocytosis...but even with high levels they would do a bone marrow biopsy. I think elevated prostaglandins and other criteria could point to MCAS. I have elevated tryptase and prostaglandins and other markers and was diagnosed with MCAS. I am still investigating this as the antihistamines didn't help me. I had a BMB which was negative..that was a few years back. Your doctor will have thoughts about this I imagine. 

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Hi there. I don't have MCAD or mastocytosis, but I think prostolandin's are affiliated with an activation of the inflammatory response, production of pain, and fever. I was told that when there is inflammation or infection that WBC's basically rush to the site where tissue is damaged in an attempt to prevent tissue damage and prostoglandin's are elevated in all acute inflammatory levels as well as vasodilating effects. Vasodialating effects from prostaglandin, I was told along with adrenaline spikes it's the reason for my flushing and redness, and play a role in increased blood flow.  I had a previous high histamine level, but the last series checked was normal, my prostoglandin's were high and tryptase normal. As far as I know, the above blood work doesn't need to be high, once or consistently, but symptom's are vital. My local hematologist wasn't experienced in mcad, so I think he followed the guidelines for mastocytosis.  http://www.brighamandwomens.org/Medical_Professionals/education/publications/ppd/2012/April2012/mastocytosis-center.aspx, http://mastcellaware.com/

.  Do you have joint inflammation, or pain in your body, including in your GI tract? Prosotoglandin's protect your stomach by excreting necessary acid's from stomach lining members. They also play a role in asthma and flow to your kidneys.

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